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Gorges du Tarn, Lozère
Sainte Enimie



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price from €300






Description for B&B:

"The Pigeonnier" is a charming lodging with a 3-star rating according to Gîtes de France (Ref GGT 075). It comfortably accommodates up to 10 people and is situated in a quaint village just 4 km away from Sainte-Enimie, close to the river.

During your stay, you can enjoy various outdoor activities such as fishing, canoeing, hiking, and mountain biking. In the surrounding area, there are opportunities for climbing, spelunking, playing tennis, and even horseback riding.

Description for Gite

In Lozere, amidst the breathtaking Gorges of the Tarn and on the doorstep of the beautiful Cevennes National Park, we offer you the opportunity to rent one of our three charming countryside cottages, each awarded 2 or 3 ears by "Lodgings of France". Our campsite, classified with 2 stars, is conveniently situated along the riverside and offers rentals of comfortable mobile homes, caravans, and canoe kayaks.


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If you are coming from Paris on Motorway A 75:
- Head towards Clermont Ferrand and take exit 39. Then, follow N 88 towards Mende.
- Once you reach Balsièges, take D986 in the direction of the Gorges of the Tarn.

If you are coming from Béziers or Montpellier on Motorway A 75:
- Follow the direction of Clermont Ferrand and when you reach Millau, take D 907 (bis) towards the Gorges of the Tarn.

If you are coming from Lyon on Road Nationnale 88:
- Take the Management of Puy in Velay and then Mende. In Mende, continue on N 88 towards Marvejols. At the crossroads of Balsièges, take D 907 (bis) towards the Gorges of the Tarn.

If you are coming from Nimes on Road Nationnale 106:
- Head towards Ales and then Florac. In Florac, take D 907 (bis) towards the Gorges of the Tarn.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: from 300 to 1380 euro


Animals Allowed


  • Gorges du Tarn: Located in Lozère, the Gorges du Tarn is a breathtaking natural attraction. This deep and narrow canyon carved by the Tarn River offers stunning views, picturesque villages, and opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, canoeing, and rock climbing.
  • Sainte Enimie: Situated at the heart of the Gorges du Tarn, Sainte Enimie is a charming medieval village. With its stone houses, narrow streets, and historic buildings, it is a perfect place to wander and soak up the ambiance. Don't miss the Romanesque church and the panoramic viewpoints overlooking the Tarn River.
  • Aven Armand: Aven Armand is a stunning cave located near Meyrueis, close to the Gorges du Tarn. It is renowned for its natural beauty, featuring a gigantic stalagmite forest and an impressive underground chamber with exceptional formations. Guided tours allow visitors to explore this fascinating subterranean wonder.
  • Causse Mejean: Causse Mejean is a vast limestone plateau situated between the Gorges du Tarn and the Gorges de la Jonte. It offers breathtaking landscapes with panoramic views, deep canyons, and high cliffs. Perfect for hiking and nature enthusiasts, this area is also home to diverse flora and fauna.
  • Millau Viaduct: Although not directly located near Sainte Enimie, the Millau Viaduct is a must-visit attraction within a reasonable distance. This architectural marvel is the tallest bridge in the world and spans the Tarn Valley. The viaduct offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape and is a popular spot for photography.
  • La Malene: Another picturesque village along the Tarn River, La Malene is known for its traditional stone houses and beautiful natural surroundings. Visitors can explore the village's charming streets, enjoy a riverside picnic, or take a boat ride to admire the imposing cliffs and peaceful waters.
  • Les Bateliers des Gorges du Tarn: Located in La Malene, Les Bateliers des Gorges du Tarn offers boat trips that allow visitors to fully appreciate the beauty of the Gorges du Tarn. Guided tours provide interesting insights into the history, geology, and wildlife of the area.
  • Chateau de Peyrelade: Situated on a rocky outcrop overlooking the Tarn River, Chateau de Peyrelade is a medieval fortress with a rich history. Visitors can explore the ruins, walk along the battlements, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Aven des Dames: Aven des Dames is a remarkable cave located near Sainte Enimie. With its impressive stalactites, stalagmites, and underground rivers, it offers a unique and adventurous experience. Guided tours are available to explore the cave's wonders. 10. Montpellier-le-Vieux: Situated close to the Gorges du Tarn, Montpellier-le-Vieux is a natural maze of eroded limestone rocks, resembling a ruined city. Visitors can hike through this surreal landscape, discovering unique rock formations and enjoying breathtaking views over the Grands Causses Regional Nature Park. These attractions near Gorges du Tarn in Lozère, France, offer a mix of natural beauty, historic charm, and unique experiences that will surely captivate any tourist.

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