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Le Pech
Trespoux Rassiels


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price from €250






Description for Gite

This charming timber frame cottage, nestled amongst a scenic oak grove, offers a comfortable and relaxing stay in the beautiful heights of Cahors. The cottage is equipped with air conditioning to ensure a pleasant temperature throughout the year. Inside, you will find a spacious living area, including a cozy living room, a dining area, and a fully functional kitchen. There are two bedrooms, one of which features a loft area, with sleeping arrangements including a double bed (1.40m), a single bed (0.90m), and a bunk bed (0.90m). The bathroom is equipped with a thermostatic shower, and there is a separate toilet for added convenience. Entertainment options include a TV with a home theater system, and there is also a telephone available for use. Additionally, the cottage provides all necessary amenities for a baby, as well as a selection of children's games and a porch for outdoor enjoyment. Outside, you can relax on the spacious 40m2 terrace or explore the expansive land measuring 1500m2 (please note that the land is not enclosed).


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  • Cahors Cathedral: Located in the nearby city of Cahors, this stunning medieval cathedral is a must-visit attraction. It features impressive Gothic architecture, beautiful stained glass windows, and a rich history dating back to the 11th century.
  • Pont Valentré: Also situated in Cahors, the Pont Valentré is an iconic 14th-century fortified bridge. Known for its unique architecture and three towers, it offers picturesque views over the Lot River and the surrounding countryside.
  • Saint-Cirq-Lapopie: This enchanting hilltop village is considered one of the most beautiful in France. With its medieval houses, quaint streets, and panoramic views of the Lot Valley, it attracts many visitors. Explore the charming shops, art galleries, and enjoy the idyllic atmosphere.
  • Pech Merle Cave: Located in Cabrerets, this prehistoric cave is home to ancient drawings and paintings dating back over 20,000 years. Visitors can take guided tours to see the impressive artwork and learn about the history and significance of the site.
  • Château de Bonaguil: Situated near Fumel, this well-preserved medieval fortress is a fascinating attraction. Explore the castle's towers, walls, and courtyards, and imagine the lives of its former inhabitants. The castle also offers beautiful panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Grotte du Pech-Merle: Located in Cabrerets, this cave is known for its magnificent stalactite and stalagmite formations. Guided tours allow visitors to explore the underground chambers, admire the natural wonders, and learn about the cave's geological history.
  • Château de Cénevières: Situated on a rocky outcrop overlooking the Lot River, this Renaissance castle is known for its architectural beauty and stunning views. Take a guided tour to discover the castle's history, admire the elegant interiors, and stroll through the well-maintained gardens.
  • Château de Castelnau-Bretenoux: Located near Prudhomat, this impressive fortress is a prime example of medieval military architecture. With its massive walls, towers, and a picturesque setting, it offers a glimpse into the medieval past of the region.
  • Château de Montal: Situated near Saint-Jean-Lespinasse, this Renaissance castle is renowned for its exquisite architecture and beautiful gardens. Explore the castle's elegant interior, featuring ornate ceilings, intricate woodwork, and an impressive art collection. 10. Padirac Cave: Located in Padirac, this natural wonder is a vast underground cave system. Visitors can take a boat tour along an underground river, followed by a walk through magnificent chambers adorned with stalactites and stalagmites. These attractions near Le Pech offer a variety of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, ensuring an enjoyable visit to the region.