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Tzu-i Huang
Les Grands-aulnais


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Price per night:

price from €80






Description for B&B:

Located in the picturesque bocage of Mayenne, Les Grands-Aulnais is a charming 18th century estate that boasts a rich historical heritage. Offering four exquisite bedrooms on the upper floor, we aim to provide you with an unforgettable stay in an exceptional environment. Whether you desire leisurely walks through the countryside or a visit to the intriguing Robert Tatin Museum, there are numerous activities for you to enjoy with your loved ones in Mayenne or the surrounding areas.

Description for Gite


Aulnes-Jacinthe Suite

Aulnes Room:
This spacious room offers a north-south orientation and features twin beds (180x200 or 2 90x200 beds upon request). Additionally, there is a sofa bed to accommodate an extra person, as well as a desk and a living room table for your convenience.

Jacinthe Room:
Step into a cozy atmosphere within this double room adorned with a charming half-timbered style. A dressing table is also available, perfect for any office needs.

Lilas-Iris Suite

Lilas Room:
Experience a bright and comfortable setting in this delightful room reminiscent of a bonboniere.

Iris Room:
Discover an abundance of style in this traditional bedroom, complete with a table for any office matters you may have.


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Here are the rewritten travel directions:

To find Les Grands-Aulnais at 53230 Astillé, follow these directions:
1. Exit Laval and take the D771 towards Saint-Nazaire.
2. Before reaching Cossé-le-Vivien and the plane aisle, take the D103 towards Astillé.
3. Les Grands-Aulnais will be the first residence on the left.

Within a 15-minute drive, you can visit the following attractions:
1. L'étrange Musée Robert Tatin: Visit their website at
2. Laval, a city of art and history: Explore more at
3. Château de Craon: Check out their website at
4. Château-Gontier: Discover more about this place at



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 80
(3 pers.)
2 110




  • Château de Laval: Located in Laval, this beautiful castle is a must-visit tourist attraction near Les Grands-Aulnais. It showcases impressive architecture and offers guided tours, allowing visitors to delve into the rich history of the region.
  • Jardin de la Perrine: Situated in Laval, Jardin de la Perrine is a stunning public garden with lush greenery, colorful flower beds, and scenic views of the Mayenne River. It's a perfect spot for a leisurely stroll or a picnic, providing a peaceful retreat from the city.
  • Basilique Notre-Dame-d'Avesnières: This magnificent basilica is located in Laval and is renowned for its stunning Romanesque architecture. Visitors can admire its intricate stained glass windows, ornate sculptures, and peaceful ambiance, making it a significant religious and historical attraction.
  • Refuge de l'Arche: Situated in Château-Gontier, this wildlife sanctuary is dedicated to the protection and rehabilitation of animals. It houses a wide range of species, including tigers, bears, wolves, and various exotic birds. Visitors can take guided tours to learn about animal conservation and witness these beautiful creatures up close.
  • Grottes de Saulges: Located in Saulges, these prehistoric caves are a fascinating natural attraction. Visitors can explore the network of caves, marvel at the stunning rock formations, and admire the ancient cave paintings. Guided tours are available to provide insights into the history and geology of the site.
  • Musée Robert Tatin: Situated in Cossé-le-Vivien, this unique museum showcases the works of the renowned artist, Robert Tatin. The museum exhibits Tatin's sculptures, paintings, and architectural designs, all of which reflect his distinctive style and artistic vision. The surrounding gardens also offer a serene atmosphere for visitors to enjoy.
  • Château du Plessis-Bourré: Located in Écuillé, this Renaissance castle is a true gem. With its impressive moat, luxurious interior, and well-preserved architecture, the Château du Plessis-Bourré provides visitors with a glimpse into France's medieval past. Guided tours are available to explore the castle's history and admire its grandeur.
  • Musée des Sciences: Situated in Laval, this science museum offers interactive exhibits and educational displays for visitors of all ages. From hands-on experiments to informative displays on various scientific topics, the Musée des Sciences provides an entertaining and educational experience for those interested in scientific discovery. These tourist attractions near Les Grands-Aulnais offer a diverse range of experiences, providing visitors with opportunities to explore history, nature, art, and science in the beautiful region of Astillé, France.