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Fabrice Benito
Pont D'herault
Saint Andre De Majencoules


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price from €70





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Description for B&B:

Our castle, constructed in the 13th century, houses five rooms, each with its own private bathroom and television. Set amidst a tranquil and serene environment, our 2-hectare park and swimming pool provide the perfect setting for relaxation. Indulge in the picturesque surroundings as you unwind. Additionally, our restaurant, open every day of the week during the season, serves delectable traditional dishes made from locally sourced ingredients.


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Situated in the department of Gard, our destination can be found between Ganges and Le Vigan. It is conveniently located just one hour away from Montpellier and Nimes.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 70
(3 pers.)
1 80


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Grotte des Demoiselles: Located approximately 16 km southwest of Pont D'herault, Grotte des Demoiselles is a stunning cave system known for its impressive stalactites and stalagmites. Visitors can take guided tours to explore the underground chambers and marvel at the natural beauty of this unique attraction.
  • Cirque de Navacelles: Situated around 20 km northeast of Pont D'herault, Cirque de Navacelles is a breathtaking natural amphitheater formed by the Vis River. This UNESCO World Heritage site offers stunning panoramic views, hiking trails, and the opportunity to witness the powerful Vis River as it cascades into the canyon below.
  • Bamboo Garden of Prafrance: Located approximately 25 km northwest of Pont D'herault, the Bamboo Garden of Prafrance is a botanical garden specializing in bamboo species from around the world. Visitors can wander through the lush greenery, admire the variety of bamboo species, and learn about their cultural and ecological importance.
  • Musée Cévenol: Situated in Le Vigan, which is about 13 km southeast of Pont D'herault, Musée Cévenol showcases the rich cultural heritage of the Cévennes region. The museum exhibits a collection of artifacts, photographs, and documents that depict the local history, traditions, and lifestyle of the area.
  • Le Pont des Camisards: Located approximately 9 km southwest of Pont D'herault, Le Pont des Camisards is a historic stone bridge that crosses the Vis River. This picturesque site holds historical significance, as it was used by the Camisard rebels during the religious wars in the 17th century. Visitors can enjoy the scenic surroundings and learn about the bridge's historical context.
  • Mont Aigoual: Situated around 40 km northeast of Pont D'herault, Mont Aigoual is the highest peak in the Cévennes National Park. Tourists can drive or hike to the summit, which offers panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes. The area is also home to weather observatories, providing opportunities to learn about meteorology and climate science.
  • La Bambouseraie en Cévennes: Located approximately 25 km northwest of Pont D'herault, La Bambouseraie en Cévennes is a vast bamboo garden and park. Visitors can explore the diverse collection of bamboo species, stroll through tranquil gardens, and enjoy various cultural events and exhibitions held in this serene natural setting.
  • Château de Portes: Situated about 20 km northwest of Pont D'herault, Château de Portes is a medieval castle perched on a hilltop overlooking the surrounding countryside. The castle features well-preserved architecture, including towers, ramparts, and a Gothic chapel. Visitors can take guided tours to learn about its history and enjoy panoramic views from the castle's vantage point. These attractions offer a range of natural, historical, and cultural experiences for tourists visiting Pont D'herault and its surrounding area in France.

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