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Corinne Belluz
Saint Alary


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  • Lavaur Cathedral: Located in the heart of Lavaur, this impressive Romanesque-Gothic cathedral is a must-visit attraction. With its intricate architectural details and stunning stained glass windows, the cathedral is a testament to Lavaur's rich history.
  • Jardin des Martels: Situated just a few kilometers outside of Lavaur, Jardin des Martels is a beautiful botanical garden that spans over 35,000 square meters. Visitors can explore various themed gardens, admire the vibrant flower displays, and enjoy a picnic amidst the tranquil surroundings.
  • Château de Magrin: Nestled in the countryside near Saint Alary, the Château de Magrin is an elegant 15th-century castle. It offers guided tours that allow visitors to discover its remarkable architecture, medieval tapestries, and picturesque gardens.
  • Village of Puylaurens: Located approximately 20 kilometers from Lavaur, the village of Puylaurens is known for its well-preserved medieval architecture. Take a stroll through its narrow streets, visit the 13th-century fortified church, and enjoy panoramic views from the top of its ancient tower.
  • Musée du Pays Vaurais: Situated in Lavaur, this local museum provides an insight into the history and culture of the Pays Vaurais region. With a collection of artifacts, artworks, and interactive exhibits, the museum offers a fascinating exploration of the area's heritage.
  • Toulouse: Although not exactly near Lavaur, the vibrant city of Toulouse is definitely worth a visit. Located about 50 kilometers away, Toulouse is known for its charming old town, impressive architecture, such as the Basilica of Saint-Sernin, and the iconic Place du Capitole.
  • Sidobre: Situated around 60 kilometers from Lavaur, the Sidobre is a natural wonderland characterized by enormous granite boulders. Visitors can follow hiking trails, witness unique rock formations like the Peyro Clabado, and enjoy the picturesque landscapes of this geological phenomenon.
  • Canal du Midi: A UNESCO World Heritage site, the Canal du Midi is a historic waterway that passes through the region. Visitors can take a boat trip along the canal, walk or cycle along its scenic towpaths, and experience the charm of the French countryside.
  • Castres: Located approximately 40 kilometers from Lavaur, Castres is a picturesque town famous for its beautiful historic center. Explore its winding streets, visit the Goya Museum, and relax by the enchanting Agout River that flows through the town. 10. Gaillac Vineyards: Just a short drive from Lavaur, the Gaillac region is known for its excellent vineyards and wine production. Visitors can take wine tours, taste the local wines, and learn about the art of winemaking while enjoying the breathtaking views of the vineyard-covered landscapes.