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Sophie Raty
Quartier Fournery, Route de St. Andéol de Berg
Villeneuve de Berg


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Price per week:

price from €300






Description for Gite

Experience the epitome of comfort in our four meticulously renovated gîtes, boasting a prestigious 3 épis Gîtes de France rating. Accommodating groups of 3 to 8 people, our gîtes offer a haven of tranquility with access to a large communal garden, a refreshing swimming pool, and private terraces for ultimate relaxation.

Immerse yourself in the enchanting surroundings as you encounter our three majestic Icelandic mares, along with their adorable yearlings and precious foal. For a delightful experience, indulge your children in a delightful stroll with our charming little Shetland pony. Alternatively, for seasoned riders, we offer the opportunity to rent one of our extraordinary Icelandic mares and discover the exhilarating specific gaits of this remarkable breed.


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To reach Villeneuve de Berg by car, you can follow these directions:

1. If you are on the A7-E15 freeway (autoroute du soleil), take the "Montélimar" exit, whether you are coming from the North or the South.
2. Once you have exited, head towards "Montélimar" on the N7.
3. After arriving in Montélimar, continue on the N102 in the direction of "Le Teil".
4. Cross the Rhone and proceed through Le Teil.
5. Keep driving on the N102 for approximately 30 Km, following the direction of Aubenas. You will eventually reach Villeneuve de Berg.

If you prefer to travel by train and bus, you can follow these instructions:

1. A "TER" bus operates between Villeneuve de Berg and the "Montélimar" and "Valence TGV" train stations.
2. If you are starting from the center of Villeneuve de Berg, head towards Saint-Andéol-de-Berg.
3. Follow the road for 2 Km.
4. After passing the chapel, take a right turn.
5. If you are going to the Mas de Fournery, continue on the gravel road for 1.5 Km.
6. If you are going to the Mas de Baraud, proceed on the gravel road for approximately 2.5 Km.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 4 125 245 300 1000


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Grotte Chauvet 2 - Ardèche: Located in Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, this cave is a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its prehistoric rock art, including the oldest known cave paintings in the world.
  • Pont d'Arc: This natural limestone arch spans the Ardèche River and is a popular spot for swimming, kayaking, and picnicking. It offers magnificent views of the surrounding landscapes.
  • Aven d'Orgnac: Situated in Orgnac-l'Aven, this cave is renowned for its impressive stalactite and stalagmite formations. Visitors can explore its vast chambers and learn about the geological history of the region.
  • Château de Vogüé: This medieval castle, located in Vogüé, is perched on a cliff overlooking the Ardèche River. It features a well-preserved fortress, a picturesque village, and offers guided tours to discover its history.
  • Balazuc: This charming village is listed as one of the "Most Beautiful Villages of France." With its narrow streets, stone houses, and stunning views of the Ardèche River, it offers a delightful glimpse into traditional French village life.
  • Labeaume: Nestled in a meander of the Ardèche River, Labeaume is another picturesque village worth visiting. It is known for its medieval architecture, quaint streets, and a lively Sunday market.
  • Jardin des Herbes: Located in Saint-Montan, this botanical garden showcases a wide variety of plants, herbs, and aromatic flowers. Visitors can explore the garden's paths, learn about medicinal plants, and enjoy its peaceful atmosphere.
  • Musée de la Lavande: Situated in Saint-Remèze, this museum is dedicated to the history and cultivation of lavender. It offers informative exhibits, a shop with lavender products, and the opportunity to learn about the essential oil extraction process.
  • Château de Grignan: This magnificent Renaissance castle, located in Grignan, is famous for its association with French author Madame de Sévigné. It offers guided tours, beautiful gardens, and stunning views of the surrounding countryside. 10. Les Gorges de l'Ardèche: A scenic natural wonder, the Ardèche Gorges offer breathtaking landscapes and opportunities for outdoor activities. Visitors can hike, kayak, or simply admire the stunning cliffs and crystal-clear waters. These attractions near Quartier Fournery offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, allowing visitors to explore the beauty and heritage of the Ardèche region in France.

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