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Christian Giro
21 Rue Amiral De Grasse
Le Pradet


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Price per week:

price from €4531



06 08 24 41 00


Description for Gite

This stunning seaside gite offers an incredible 180° panoramic view that resembles being on a boat. Designed by an architect, the house seamlessly integrates with the sea and is complemented by a beautifully landscaped garden by a local artist.

Relax on the spacious covered terrace, which provides shade from the sun while allowing you to observe the lively harbor and the boats passing by. The beach is conveniently located right in front of the house, providing easy access for a delightful day by the sea. And in the evenings, from the comfort of the terrace, you can witness the breathtaking sunset over the majestic Cap Cisié.


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Apartment 1 1400




  • Plage de la Garonne: Located just a short walk from Rue Amiral De Grasse, Plage de la Garonne is a beautiful sandy beach known for its crystal-clear waters and picturesque surroundings. It offers a peaceful atmosphere for sunbathing, swimming, and relaxing.
  • Cap Garonne Mine Museum: Situated on the edge of Le Pradet, the Cap Garonne Mine Museum is an interesting attraction that takes visitors on a journey through the region's mining history. The museum showcases various exhibits, including mining equipment, minerals, and informative displays.
  • Sainte-Maxime: About a 30-minute drive from Le Pradet, Sainte-Maxime is a charming coastal town known for its beautiful beaches, vibrant atmosphere, and quaint streets lined with shops and cafes. Visitors can enjoy water sports, explore the old town, and take in the stunning views of the Mediterranean.
  • Toulon: Located approximately 10 kilometers west of Le Pradet, Toulon is a bustling city with a rich naval history. It offers a range of cultural attractions, including the Toulon Opera House, the Naval Museum, and the picturesque Old Town with its narrow streets and vibrant markets.
  • Porquerolles Island: Accessible by ferry from the nearby port of Hyères, Porquerolles Island is a paradise for nature lovers. The island features pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and scenic hiking trails that lead through pine forests and vineyards.
  • Villa Noailles: Situated in the town of Hyères, around 10 kilometers from Le Pradet, Villa Noailles is a striking modernist building that hosts various contemporary art exhibitions and events. It also offers stunning views of the surrounding area from its terraces and gardens.
  • Giens Peninsula: Just a short drive south of Le Pradet, the Giens Peninsula is a stunning natural area with beautiful coastal landscapes. Visitors can explore its sandy beaches, hike along the coastal trails, and visit the charming village of Giens.
  • Provencal Market in Le Pradet: For a taste of local flavors and products, the Provencal Market in Le Pradet is a must-visit. This vibrant market takes place on Sundays and offers a wide range of fresh produce, regional specialties, and handicrafts.
  • Château de la Clapière: Located in La Garde, a neighboring town to Le Pradet, Château de la Clapière is a historic castle surrounded by beautiful vineyards. Visitors can take guided tours of the castle and its grounds, and even enjoy wine tastings of the estate's own wines. 10. Hyères Old Town: The historic center of Hyères, known as the Old Town, is a charming area with narrow streets, colorful buildings, and a rich history. Visitors can explore its medieval architecture, visit the Saint-Paul Church, and enjoy the lively atmosphere of the local shops and cafes.

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