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Bernadette Mendiondo
171 Chemin Iturraldea


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  • Biarritz - Located approximately 6 kilometers from Ahetze, Biarritz is a glamorous seaside town known for its beautiful beaches, luxurious resorts, and vibrant nightlife. Visitors can enjoy surfing, sunbathing, exploring the charming old town, and visiting attractions like the Biarritz Aquarium and the Rocher de la Vierge.
  • Bayonne - Situated around 15 kilometers from Ahetze, Bayonne is a picturesque city famous for its rich cultural heritage and traditional festivals. The city is renowned for its medieval architecture, narrow streets, and well-preserved historic center. Visitors can explore the impressive Bayonne Cathedral, stroll along the banks of the Nive River, and try the delicious local cuisine, including the famous Bayonne ham and chocolate.
  • Saint-Jean-de-Luz - Located approximately 10 kilometers from Ahetze, Saint-Jean-de-Luz is a charming coastal town with a bustling harbor and stunning sandy beaches. This picturesque town is known for its quaint Basque architecture, traditional fishing boats, and beautiful promenade. Visitors can explore the historical center, visit the Saint-Jean-Baptiste Church, and enjoy fresh seafood at the lively waterfront restaurants.
  • La Rhune - Situated approximately 14 kilometers from Ahetze, La Rhune is a mountain in the Pyrenees range offering breathtaking panoramic views of the Basque Country and the Bay of Biscay. Visitors can take a vintage train ride to the summit, enjoy hiking trails through the scenic landscape, and spot wild horses and sheep grazing in the area.
  • Les Grottes de Sare - Located around 20 kilometers from Ahetze, Les Grottes de Sare are prehistoric caves that provide a fascinating glimpse into the region's ancient history. Visitors can take guided tours to explore the underground chambers, admire the impressive stalactite formations, and learn about the cave's geological significance.
  • Musée de la Mer (Museum of the Sea), Biarritz - Situated approximately 6 kilometers from Ahetze, this museum offers an in-depth exploration of the marine world. It showcases a variety of marine life, including sharks, seals, and tropical fish, as well as exhibitions on maritime history, whaling, and surfing.
  • Château d'Abbadia - Located around 10 kilometers from Ahetze, Château d'Abbadia is a stunning neo-Gothic castle built by the eccentric scientist Antoine d'Abbadie. Visitors can explore the castle's unique architecture, enjoy the picturesque views of the coastline, and wander through the surrounding parkland.
  • Les Halles de Biarritz - Situated approximately 7 kilometers from Ahetze, Les Halles de Biarritz is a vibrant covered market offering a wide array of fresh local produce, gourmet food, and regional specialties. Visitors can wander through the market, sample Basque delicacies, and purchase souvenirs to take home.
  • Golf de Chantaco - Located around 12 kilometers from Ahetze, Golf de Chantaco is a prestigious golf course nestled in a picturesque setting. Golf enthusiasts can enjoy a round of golf surrounded by lush greenery and beautiful landscapes. 10. Le Phare de Biarritz (Biarritz Lighthouse) - Situated approximately 6 kilometers from Ahetze, this iconic lighthouse offers stunning panoramic views of the Biarritz coastline. Visitors can climb to the top of the lighthouse for a bird's eye view of the surrounding area and the vast Atlantic Ocean.

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