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Contact Details:


Philippe Segaux
56 B Rue Leon Dierx


3 reviews

Price per night:

price from €75


+262 0262583047


+262 0692480332

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Description for B&B:

We offer holiday rentals for both days and weeks, located in the beautiful and untamed south of St Joseph. Our accommodations are conveniently situated near all amenities, yet provide a tranquil and lush green setting. Each room is equipped to accommodate two people and includes a private bathroom, refrigerator, microwave, coffee maker, air conditioning, as well as a small covered terrace with WiFi and private parking. The price for two people includes breakfast, and is set at 65. We are located near the picturesque river Langevin, which boasts pools and waterfalls, as well as the Manapany Baths and their refreshing pool. Come and explore the breathtaking landscapes of the wild South, while enjoying a warm and friendly welcome. We also offer the opportunity to taste local products, providing a simple and straightforward experience. We can't wait to have you as our guest!


Appréciations pour La Case O 'gecko 974, Saint-joseph:

Très content
Review by: CHANTOME Marie, Fev 6 2019 4:32AM
Nous sommes venus pour 1 nuit avec 2 enfants de 5 et 7 ans. Nous sommes très contents. Nous avons été bien accueilli par Odile et Philippe qui nous ont reçu comme des amis. Ils sont très gentils avec les enfants. N'hésitez pas à aller chez eux. Merci Odile et Philippe.
Response from property:
Merci Marie au plaisir de vous recevoir tous les 4
Séjour Chez Odile et Philippe
Review by: Christian Boyer, Juil 26 2018 6:34AM
Nous avons étés très bien accueillis par ce gentil couple des Jaques, même si la météo ne s'y prêtait pas nous avons été très bien, petites ballades sur toute la zone, magnifiques. A refaire et avec du soleil. Merci à nos hôtes pour les moments de partage au petit déjeuner.
Response from property:
Merci Christian, au plaisir de vous recevoir sous le soleil du sud sauvage
séjour 1 nuit
Review by: audrey burlotto, Mar 22 2018 5:25AM
accueil chaleureux, état impeccable de la studette. A bientôt !
Response from property:
Merci Audrey au plaisir de te recevoir........

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 75 75 410 415 20
(3 pers.)
1 95 95 600 600




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  • Cascade de Grand Galet: This stunning waterfall is situated in a lush tropical forest near Saint-Joseph. The Cascade de Grand Galet cascades down a series of volcanic rocks, offering a picturesque and refreshing spot for nature lovers and hikers.
  • Cap Méchant: Cap Méchant is a rugged coastal area known for its impressive cliffs and wild ocean waves. It is a great spot for photography, leisurely walks, and admiring the powerful forces of nature.
  • Manapany-les-Bains: A beautiful coastal village, Manapany-les-Bains is famous for its natural rock pools and swimming spots. Visitors can relax in the crystal-clear waters while enjoying the stunning ocean views.
  • Domaine du Café Grillé: Located in the heart of Saint-Joseph, Domaine du Café Grillé is a historic coffee plantation that offers guided tours. Visitors can learn about the history of coffee production on the island, explore the working plantation, and enjoy a cup of freshly brewed coffee.
  • Conservatoire Botanique National de Mascarin: Situated in Saint-Leu, the Conservatoire Botanique National de Mascarin is a botanical garden dedicated to preserving and showcasing the unique flora of Réunion. It features a vast collection of plants, including endemic species, and offers educational displays and guided tours.
  • Plage de Grande Anse: This beautiful sandy beach is located near Saint-Joseph and is a popular spot for swimming, sunbathing, and picnicking. Surrounded by cliffs and lush vegetation, Plage de Grande Anse offers a serene and picturesque setting for relaxation.
  • Musée Stella Matutina: In Saint-Leu, the Musée Stella Matutina is a museum housed in a former sugar factory. It provides insights into the island's history, culture, and the sugar industry through interactive exhibits, artifacts, and multimedia displays.
  • Jardin des Parfums et des Epices: Situated in Saint-Philippe, the Jardin des Parfums et des Epices is a fragrant garden where visitors can explore various aromatic plants, spices, and tropical flowers. Guided tours are available, allowing visitors to learn about the different scents and their uses. 10. Le Trou de Fer: Le Trou de Fer is a magnificent canyon located in the heart of Réunion's lush rainforest. It is known for its impressive waterfalls and breathtaking views. Adventurous hikers can embark on a challenging trek to witness the cascading waters firsthand.