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6 Rue Alphonse Karr


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price from €330






Description for Gite

Rent our holiday home and explore the famous cliffs of Etretat. We offer two comfortable lodgings recommended by the Etretat Tourist Bureau (2 stars), perfect for 4 to 5 people. Located just 200m from the beach and close to shops, pharmacies, and doctors, our accommodations will provide you with complete satisfaction. Enjoy a wide range of activities such as sailing, windsurfing, golf, horseback riding, tennis, hiking (GR.21), museum visits (including the famous Arsene Lupin museum), the Valaine farm (offering cheese sales and farm visits), mountain biking, and the nautical center (featuring a swimming pool, sauna, games, and bowling).


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Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
Holiday Home 5 330 500



  • Falaise d'Etretat: Located just a short walk from Rue Alphonse Karr, Falaise d'Etretat is a famous chalk cliff formation overlooking the English Channel. It offers breathtaking panoramic views and is a popular spot for hiking and photography.
  • Etretat Beach: Situated at the foot of the cliffs, Etretat Beach is a beautiful pebble beach that stretches along the coastline. Visitors can relax, soak up the sun, or take a refreshing swim in the crystal-clear waters.
  • Jardins d'Etretat: These stunning gardens are situated on the cliff tops and designed by renowned landscape artist Alexandre Grivko. The gardens feature unique sculptures, beautiful flower beds, and offer magnificent views of the cliffs and the sea.
  • Chapelle Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde: This charming chapel is perched atop the cliffs of Etretat and dates back to the 11th century. It offers a tranquil atmosphere and provides panoramic views of the town and coastline.
  • Musee d'Etretat: Located in the heart of the town, the Musee d'Etretat showcases the history and culture of the area. The museum exhibits a collection of artworks, historical artifacts, and provides insight into the town's rich maritime heritage.
  • Manoir de la Salamandre: Situated in a picturesque setting, the Manoir de la Salamandre is a beautiful manor house dating back to the 16th century. It features traditional Norman architecture and is surrounded by lush gardens, making it an ideal spot for a peaceful walk.
  • Le Clos Arsène Lupin: This unique museum is dedicated to the fictional character Arsène Lupin, created by French author Maurice Leblanc. Visitors can explore the museum and discover the world of this famous gentleman thief through various exhibits and interactive displays.
  • Golf d'Etretat: For golf enthusiasts, the Golf d'Etretat offers a stunning 18-hole golf course with breathtaking views of the cliffs and the sea. It provides a challenging yet enjoyable experience for players of all levels.
  • Le Valaine: This charming village located just outside of Etretat is known for its traditional half-timbered houses and picturesque streets. Visitors can stroll through the village, admire the architecture, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance. 10. Chateau de Cany-Barville: Situated a short drive from Etretat, the Chateau de Cany-Barville is a magnificent 17th-century castle surrounded by extensive grounds. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, admire the beautiful gardens, and learn about its rich history.

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