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Patricia Saunier
Les Pallières- Chemin Départemental 178


4 reviews

Price per night:

price from €86





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Description for B&B:

The Farm Manor Saint Barthélemy offers a warm and inviting atmosphere, providing you with a generously sized and tranquil bedroom, complete with a well-appointed shower-room and private toilet facilities, suitable for either two or four guests. Additionally, there is a charming family suite available, consisting of two cozy bedrooms, each with its own private bathroom and toilet, accommodating up to four or five individuals.

Description for Gite

This charming farmhouse, dating back to the 12th century, is conveniently located just a 10-minute drive south of Bayeux. Nestled in the serene countryside of Normandy, it offers a peaceful and relaxing retreat, perfect for exploring the historic towns of Bayeux and Caen, as well as the notable sites of the Normandy landings. The accommodation is tastefully furnished, seamlessly blending traditional architecture with modern comforts. Indulge in a delightful dining experience at the Hosts Table, where the talented and knowledgeable hostess, Madame Patricia Saunier, expertly prepares and presents delicious local cuisine and beverages. The relaxed atmosphere encourages lively conversations with fellow guests, enhancing the overall dining experience. With their warm and welcoming nature, Patricia and Frederic, the hosts, ensure that your stay is not only memorable but also pleasant. We highly recommend this exceptional farmhouse for an unforgettable experience.


Appréciations pour La Ferme Manoir Saint Barthélemy, Juaye-Mondaye:

Un pur bonheur
Review by: ROBERT Marc, Juin 14 2014 11:12AM
Remarquablement située La ferme Manoir vous fait goûter aux charmes de l'hospitalité Normande.
Séjour agréable à la Ferme Manoir Saint-Barthélémy
Review by: JL Manneville, Juil 27 2012 1:22PM
Nous gardons un très bon souvenir de notre passage à la Ferme-manoir St-Barthélémy. Nous avons particulièrement apprécié l'accueil des propriétaires et le confort de la chambre. Patricia nous a donné quelques infos touristiques nous permettant ainsi de découvrir la Suisse normande.
Notre arrivée un dimanche soir ne permettant pas de bénéficier du dîner auquel notre coffret cadeau nous donnait normalement droit, nous avons apprécié de rester 2 nuits au lieu d'une seule.
Avis sur notre séjour en chambre d'hôte au Manoir de la ferme St Barthélémy
Review by: AMOSSE Irène et Jean-Paul, Juin 9 2012 8:59PM
Nous avons été très bien accueilli, avec le sourire, et une bonne table. Nous y avons passé trois nuits et nous avons apprécié notre chambre confortable dans un coin reposant.
La Ferme Manoir Saint-Barthélémy
Review by: Bérel Jean-François, Aou 28 2011 3:33PM
Je tenais à vous remercier personnellement pour l'accueil chaleureux que vous nous avez octroyés !
De plus, vos adresses nous ont été très utiles (Le Bistrot de Paris et La Fringale) !
Mon épouse, mes 2 filles et ma mère ont très apprécié la suite familiale !
M. Jean-François Bérel

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Upon arriving in Bayeux, head towards the SNCF station and continue in the direction of Tilly sur Seulles on the D6 road for approximately 8 kilometers. You will then reach Douet le Chouain, located just before the car wash station. At this point, make a right turn towards Abbaye de Mondaye on the D33 road. Be cautious as there is a bakery and café on your right. After about 600 meters, pay attention to a small crossroad and take a left turn. Proceed through the white gate to enter. Welcome!



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: bedroom for 2/4 pers
Notes: family suite 2 bedrooms 70m²


Animals Allowed


  • Mont Saint-Michel (54 km): A UNESCO World Heritage site, Mont Saint-Michel is a stunning medieval abbey perched on a rocky island. It attracts millions of tourists each year with its picturesque streets, charming shops, and breathtaking views.
  • Bayeux Tapestry Museum (16 km): Located in the town of Bayeux, this museum houses the famous Bayeux Tapestry, a remarkable 11th-century embroidered cloth depicting the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England.
  • Omaha Beach (30 km): As one of the D-Day landing sites during World War II, Omaha Beach holds great historical significance. Today, visitors can pay their respects at the American Cemetery and explore the nearby Memorial Museum of Omaha Beach.
  • Caen Memorial Museum (16 km): This museum provides in-depth information about World War II and the Battle of Normandy. It offers a comprehensive view of the events leading up to the war, the war itself, and its aftermath.
  • Château de Balleroy (20 km): Built in the 17th century, this beautiful castle is surrounded by extensive gardens. Visitors can explore the castle's opulent interiors and enjoy the tranquil atmosphere of its grounds.
  • Juno Beach Centre (55 km): Situated on Juno Beach, this museum pays tribute to the Canadian soldiers who landed there on D-Day. It offers exhibits, artifacts, and personal stories to provide a deeper understanding of Canada's role in World War II.
  • Arromanches-les-Bains (35 km): Known for its artificial Mulberry harbor, Arromanches-les-Bains was a crucial landing site during the Normandy invasion. Visitors can explore the remnants of the harbor and learn about the logistics of the D-Day operations.
  • Caen Castle (18 km): This impressive medieval fortress, built by William the Conqueror, now houses several museums. It offers a glimpse into the history and heritage of the region, including the Museum of Normandy and the Fine Arts Museum.
  • Sainte-Mère-Église (75 km): Famous for being the first town liberated by American paratroopers during D-Day, Sainte-Mère-Église commemorates this event with a museum and a church where a parachutist mannequin still hangs from its spire. 10. Château de Falaise (70 km): Birthplace of William the Conqueror, this castle serves as a historical monument. Visitors can explore its medieval architecture, climb the keep for panoramic views, and learn about the life of William the Conqueror. These attractions offer a mixture of historical, cultural, and natural beauty, allowing visitors to experience the rich heritage and significance of the Normandy region.

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