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Carole Thèbe
606 Chemin du Château d'Eau


3 reviews

Price per night:

price from €70






Description for B&B:

Located just 15 minutes north of Toulouse, in the charming region of Frontonnais, lies Baraque – the remains of an eighteenth-century establishment that warmly welcomes you while ensuring your independence. Our comfortable and personalized rooms are designed to cater to your every need. Nestled within a vast wooded area of the prestigious "Forest Royale," our property offers a serene and tranquil atmosphere where you can unwind and indulge in the beauty of the surroundings. Whether you are looking to create lasting memories during your weekends away or seeking a peaceful retreat for your professional endeavors, Baraque is the perfect destination. In close proximity, you will find the opportunity to visit AIRBUS, the largest aeronautical company in Europe, as well as the renowned City of Space. Additionally, our location offers easy access to the renowned "La Route des Vins," where you can explore the numerous vineyards and wineries. Take the time to savor the local delicacies such as duck fat, foie gras, honey, and fresh fruits, all of which showcase the rich historical and picturesque heritage of the area.


Appréciations pour Domaine la Baraque, Vacquiers:

Réservation non réalisée
Review by: Arnould Philippe, Oct 24 2022 5:03PM
Personne extrêmement agréable ne serait-ce que par téléphone. Très riche en conseils de visites à faire autour du domaine. Nous nous y rendrons avec plaisir dès que l'occasion se présentera afin de découvrir ce joli coin que nous ne connaissons pas encore. Là, simple problème de logistique et pour une surprise, donc délais très très court et toute autre destination finalisée de par le fait. Sûr sûr nous irons voir Carole. A une autre fois donc, promis.
@Philippe du Loir et Cher@
Séjour Domaine La Baraque
Review by: Alexandra REMY, Juin 26 2011 1:17PM
Merci pour cet accueil si chaleureux et votre gentillesse. Votre accent chantant a égayé notre séjour. Vos chambres sont trés agréables et trés joliement décorées. A bientôt.
Alex et Chris
Chambre d'hôtes Domaine La Baraque à Vacquiers Hte Garonne
Review by: lachambredamis, Juin 18 2011 10:55AM
Merci pour votre charmant accueil.
Une chambre spacieuse et lumineuse.
Des petits-déjeuners délicieux.
Une propreté irréprochable.Nous gardons un joli souvenir de notre beau séjour, de nos promenades quotidiennes sur votre domaine bien entretenu.
Nous vous recommanderons à nos amis ; nous reviendrons.
Marie-Pierre et Pat.

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Recommended travel itinerary from Montpellier, Narbonne, Toulouse: Take the A62 and exit at St Jory (Exit 11). Follow the signs for Bruguières (D4) and continue until you reach Bruguières. From there, head towards St Sauveur (D4) and when you are near Saint Sauveur, turn right towards Cépet (D20). At Cépet, turn left towards Villemur (D14). At the next crossroads, turn right towards Vacquiers (D30). Just before reaching Vacquiers, turn left onto "chemin du château deau".

Recommended travel itinerary from Bordeaux, Agen, Montauban: Take the A62 and exit at Eurocentre (Exit 10.1). Follow the signs for Villeneuve-les-Bouloc (D45) and then continue towards Bouloc (D30). At Bouloc, turn right towards Vacquiers (D30). At the next crossroads, keep going straight ahead. Just before reaching Vacquiers, turn left onto "chemin du château deau".

Once you reach the top of the road, you will come across signs indicating "propriété privée". Follow these signs and contact the residence indicated by the sign "La Baraque - Au Château deau".



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 70 86 30 oui
(3 pers.)
3 105 114 30 oui


Disabled Access


  • Toulouse: Located approximately 30 kilometers south of Vacquiers, Toulouse is a vibrant city known for its rich history, beautiful architecture, and cultural attractions. Explore the historic Old Town, visit the iconic Basilica of Saint-Sernin, stroll along the Garonne River, or visit the Cité de l'Espace, a space-themed park and museum.
  • Albi: Situated around 80 kilometers northeast of Vacquiers, Albi is a charming town famous for its impressive red-brick cathedral, the Cathédrale Sainte-Cécile. Explore the historic center, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and visit the Toulouse-Lautrec Museum, showcasing the works of the renowned painter Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec.
  • Cordes-sur-Ciel: Located approximately 90 kilometers northeast of Vacquiers, Cordes-sur-Ciel is a picturesque medieval village perched on a hilltop. Wander through its narrow cobblestone streets, admire the well-preserved medieval architecture, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Carcassonne: Situated around 100 kilometers southeast of Vacquiers, Carcassonne is a fortified city with a rich history dating back to the Roman period. Explore the UNESCO-listed medieval citadel, La Cité, which is beautifully preserved and offers stunning views. Visit the Château Comtal, stroll along the ramparts, and immerse yourself in the medieval atmosphere.
  • Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val: Located approximately 120 kilometers northeast of Vacquiers, Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val is a charming medieval town nestled in the Aveyron Gorges. Explore its narrow streets, visit the beautiful Saint-Antonin Church, and wander along the Aveyron River. The town also serves as a base for outdoor activities like canoeing, hiking, and rock climbing in the surrounding natural landscapes.
  • Cité de Carcassonne: Situated around 100 kilometers south of Vacquiers, the Cité de Carcassonne is a medieval fortress and UNESCO World Heritage site. Explore the well-preserved ramparts, visit the Château Comtal, and admire the Gothic and Romanesque architecture. The site is steeped in history and offers an immersive experience into medieval life.
  • Montauban: Located approximately 60 kilometers northwest of Vacquiers, Montauban is a charming town known for its beautiful red-brick buildings. Explore the Place Nationale, a stunning arcaded square, visit the Musée Ingres, showcasing the works of the painter Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, and admire the Saint-Jacques Church with its unique cloister. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring medieval towns and fortresses to immersing yourself in art and culture.

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