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Ursus Gruninger
28 Route De Feurs


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price from €79





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Description for B&B:

This is the description of a charming late nineteenth-century manor built by an industrialist during the prosperous belle epoque era of the textile industry. The architectural style is "à la lyonnaise," with a simple and unobtrusive facade facing the road, allowing the view of the industrious city of Tarare to be enjoyed through the shade of the century-old trees. Although Tarare may have lost its former glory after this period, it has now revitalized itself with new activities, notably Gerflor.

The manor itself bears witness to its historical significance. In April 1943, during World War II, it was surrounded and strafed. The owner at the time, Albert Giron, who was a leader of the resistance, managed to escape quietly through the park and continued his fight for freedom in the town below.

Today, the manor offers four guest rooms and reception rooms for celebrations. The atmosphere is theatrical, complemented by the manor's large size, its location on the outskirts of town, and its tranquil park with a pond inhabited by ducks. Guests can enjoy breakfast in the manor's dining room and savor Lyon cuisine during meals at the table d'hôtes.

Conveniently located near the A89 motorway (Tarare Center exit), the manor is easily accessible and only a 35-minute drive or train ride away from Lyon, the capital of Gaul and renowned for its gastronomy. Additionally, the manor provides a private enclosed car park and WiFi for guests' convenience.


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Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
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extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 79 79 20


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