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Joelle Leroy
251 chemin d'Arié


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Price per night:

price from €86






Description for B&B:

We have 2 guest rooms available for your comfort and convenience. The first room, LEtable, is located on the ground floor, while the second room, Aux Iris, can be found on the upper floor. Both rooms are spacious and can accommodate up to 2 people. Each room comes with its own en suite bathroom, equipped with an Italian shower and WC.
Start your day right with our delicious breakfast, which can be enjoyed in our cozy dining room or, weather permitting, in our beautiful garden. If you prefer, we also offer the option to dine with us at our table dhôtes.

Description for Gite

The gîte "L'écurie chez Mimosa" is a charming 50 m² accommodation located next to our house. On the ground floor, you will find a cozy living room with a well-equipped kitchen and a convenient WC. Upstairs, there is a spacious bedroom with a comfortable double bed (140 cm, suitable for 2 people), as well as a smaller room with a sofa bed. Additionally, there is a bathroom for your convenience. Outside, you can relax and enjoy the outdoors with our garden furniture under a beautiful arbor. We also provide a gas plancha for your use.


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To reach the destination, start by turning onto the road adjacent to the hotel restaurant called "le Relais fleuri" at the intersection with RN124. Quickly take a left uphill. Proceed straight through the countryside for approximately 2 km. After crossing a small bridge, make a right turn onto the first road you encounter. The house is located at the far end of this path.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 86 96 516 576 20 5
(3 pers.)
1 114 124 684 744 5
Holiday Home 1 80 90 350 450 70 8


Credit cards accepted


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  • Château de Cassaigne: Situated in Cassaigne, about 12 kilometers away, Château de Cassaigne is a magnificent castle surrounded by vineyards. It offers guided tours where visitors can learn about the castle's history, explore its elegant rooms, and sample the renowned Armagnac produced on-site.
  • Condom Cathedral: Located in Condom, around 15 kilometers from Lieu Dit Arié, Condom Cathedral is an impressive Gothic cathedral dedicated to Saint Peter. With its intricate stained glass windows and rich architectural details, it is a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts.
  • Larressingle: Often referred to as the "Little Carcassonne," Larressingle is a fortified village situated approximately 18 kilometers away. Encircled by medieval walls, this charming village features narrow streets, a 14th-century castle, and a picturesque moat. It offers a glimpse into the medieval past of the region.
  • La Romieu: La Romieu, located around 20 kilometers from Lieu Dit Arié, is a picturesque village known for its stunning collegiate church and charming streets. Visitors can climb the church tower for panoramic views, stroll through the well-preserved medieval architecture, and visit the famous cat sculptures that are said to bring good luck.
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  • Château de Lavardens: Situated in Lavardens, approximately 30 kilometers away, Château de Lavardens is a well-preserved medieval castle perched on a hilltop. Visitors can explore its impressive architecture, discover the art exhibitions held within its walls, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. These attractions near Lieu Dit Arié offer a diverse range of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty and heritage of the region.