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Elisabeth Caruana
Boulevard Laffont
Castillon en Couserans


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price from €78





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2 78 88 15 8




  • Parc de la Prehistoire (Prehistoric Park): Located in Tarascon-sur-Ariege, approximately 20 minutes away from Boulevard Laffont, this park offers a fascinating journey through prehistoric times. Visitors can explore life-sized reconstructions of prehistoric caves, observe cave paintings, and learn about the daily lives of our ancestors.
  • Chateau de Foix (Foix Castle): Situated in the town of Foix, around 30 minutes from Castillon en Couserans, this medieval castle is perched on a hill overlooking the city. It offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes. The castle's impressive architecture and rich history make it a must-visit attraction.
  • Grotte de Niaux (Niaux Cave): Located in Tarascon-sur-Ariege, about 25 minutes away, this cave is renowned for its exceptional prehistoric cave paintings. Visitors can take guided tours to explore the underground chambers and admire the ancient artwork that dates back thousands of years.
  • Lac de Montbel (Lake Montbel): Situated near Léran, approximately 40 minutes from Boulevard Laffont, this picturesque lake offers a tranquil setting for various recreational activities. Visitors can enjoy swimming, fishing, boating, or simply relax on the lakeside beaches while taking in the beautiful scenery.
  • Mirepoix: Located around 40 minutes away from Castillon en Couserans, Mirepoix is a charming medieval town renowned for its well-preserved half-timbered houses and a central square with a unique covered market. Strolling through the narrow streets and exploring the town's historical buildings is a delightful way to spend an afternoon.
  • Les Forges de Pyrène (Pyrènean Forges): Situated in Montgaillard, just a short drive from Boulevard Laffont, this living museum showcases traditional Pyrenean crafts and trades. Visitors can witness blacksmithing, pottery, and weaving demonstrations while learning about the region's cultural heritage.
  • Chateau de Montsegur (Montsegur Castle): Located atop a rocky hill near Montsegur, approximately 40 minutes away, this castle holds historical significance as the last stronghold of the Cathars during the 13th-century Albigensian Crusade. The ruins offer a glimpse into the medieval past and provide panoramic views of the surrounding mountains.
  • Les Grottes de Betharram (Betharram Caves): Situated in Saint-Pé-de-Bigorre, about an hour and a half from Boulevard Laffont, these caves offer a unique underground adventure. Visitors can explore the stunning chambers and passages via a combination of walking, boating, and a small train ride.
  • Col de la Core: Located in the heart of the Pyrenees, this mountain pass offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding peaks and valleys. It's a popular destination for hiking and cycling enthusiasts, providing opportunities to immerse oneself in the natural beauty of the region. 10. L'Ariegeoise: A scenic drive through the Ariege region, offering stunning landscapes, charming villages, and opportunities to discover local products and gastronomy. It's an ideal way to explore the area's natural and cultural treasures at your own pace.

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