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Nicole Douillard
1 Rue Des Champs" Le Pinier"


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €35






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Appréciations pour Ambre, Vandré:

Août 2023
Review by: Agnès et Laurence, Aou 18 2023 4:42PM
Séjour très agréable, nous avons été bien accueillies par Nicole.
Lieu calme. Nous avons bien apprécié de pouvoir disposer de la cuisine.
Nous recommandons cette adresse

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 35 38 180 210 4
(3 pers.)
1 42 42 250 282 4




  • La Rochelle (19 km): A picturesque coastal city known for its historic port, medieval towers, and beautiful sandy beaches. Explore the Old Town, visit the Aquarium, or take a boat trip to the nearby islands.
  • Île de Ré (26 km): A charming island famous for its sandy beaches, traditional villages, and cycling paths. Enjoy the idyllic landscapes, visit the Phare des Baleines lighthouse, and try some delicious seafood.
  • Rochefort (28 km): A historic town renowned for its naval heritage. Discover the Corderie Royale, a former rope factory, and explore the Hermione, a meticulously reconstructed 18th-century frigate.
  • Marais Poitevin (36 km): Also known as the "Green Venice," this unique wetland area offers serene boat rides along its canals. Enjoy the tranquility, observe the wildlife, and explore the charming villages.
  • Saintes (40 km): A Roman town with a rich historical and architectural heritage. Visit the impressive Arch of Germanicus, the Gallo-Roman amphitheater, and the Abbaye aux Dames, a stunning Romanesque abbey.
  • Royan (47 km): A vibrant seaside resort known for its beautiful beaches and modernist architecture. Relax on the sandy shore, stroll along the seafront promenade, and visit the Palais des Congrès, an architectural gem.
  • Cognac (57 km): Famous for its production of the renowned brandy, Cognac offers distillery tours and tastings. Explore the historic old town, visit the Château des Valois, or take a boat trip on the Charente River.
  • Puy du Fou (105 km): A unique historical theme park that brings various eras to life through spectacular shows and reenactments. Experience thrilling battles, Viking raids, and medieval jousts in this immersive park.
  • Futuroscope (133 km): An innovative theme park showcasing futuristic technology and multimedia experiences. Enjoy thrilling rides, 3D shows, and interactive attractions that appeal to all ages. 10. Bordeaux (157 km): A world-renowned wine capital with stunning architecture and a vibrant cultural scene. Explore the historic city center, visit the Cité du Vin wine museum, and indulge in wine tastings and gourmet cuisine.

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