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Suzanne Marie- Armelle
37 bis BV Georges Clémenceau


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €63






Description for B&B:

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This elegantly decorated bedroom measures 18 m2 and features a separate entrance for added privacy. It is equipped with a comfortable 140-sized bed. Additionally, there is a private bathroom and toilet for your exclusive use. The overall ambiance of the space exudes sophistication and refinement.


Appréciations pour Fleur de Rocaille, Chatelaillon-Plage:

Superbe, à recommander
Review by: Martine et Jean-Paul, Mai 24 2015 10:37AM
Nous gardons un excellent souvenir de notre séjour à "Fleur de rocaille". L'accueil sympathique et chaleureux associé aux prestations haut de gamme garantissent un merveilleux bien-être. Bravo !

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To reach Chatelaillon-range, exit towards La Rochelle Rochefort. Once you have exited, make a left turn at the first intersection.



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Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 63 65 oui


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Chatelaillon-Plage Beach: Located just a short walk from the given address, Chatelaillon-Plage Beach is a beautiful sandy beach with crystal clear waters. It offers various water sports activities, beachfront restaurants, and stunning sunsets.
  • La Rochelle: Situated approximately 10 kilometers away, La Rochelle is a charming coastal city known for its picturesque harbor, historic architecture, and vibrant atmosphere. Visitors can explore the Old Port, visit the iconic towers, stroll through the old town, and enjoy delicious seafood.
  • Île de Ré: Located around 20 kilometers from Chatelaillon-Plage, Île de Ré is a stunning island known for its sandy beaches, quaint villages, and scenic landscapes. Visitors can rent bicycles to explore the island, visit the Phare des Baleines lighthouse, and enjoy fresh seafood in the charming harbors.
  • Fort Boyard: Situated about 30 kilometers from the given address, Fort Boyard is a famous sea fort located between the Île d'Oléron and Île d'Aix. Although it is not open to the public, visitors can admire the impressive structure during boat trips or by taking a cruise around the fort.
  • Aquarium La Rochelle: Located in the city of La Rochelle, the Aquarium is a popular attraction for both adults and children. It houses a wide variety of marine species, including sharks, sea turtles, and colorful fish. Visitors can also enjoy interactive exhibits and educational presentations.
  • Royan: Situated approximately 40 kilometers away, Royan is a seaside resort town known for its beautiful sandy beaches, elegant architecture, and vibrant atmosphere. Visitors can explore the town's lively markets, visit the Notre-Dame Church, and enjoy waterfront dining.
  • Rochefort: Located around 50 kilometers from Chatelaillon-Plage, Rochefort is a historic town famous for its naval heritage. Visitors can explore the Corderie Royale, an impressive naval rope factory, visit the National Naval Museum, and enjoy a boat ride on the Charente River.
  • Marais Poitevin: Situated around 70 kilometers away, the Marais Poitevin is a unique and picturesque marshland area often referred to as the "Green Venice." Visitors can take boat tours through the maze-like canals, spot diverse wildlife, and enjoy the tranquil beauty of the marshes.
  • Cognac: Located approximately 110 kilometers from the given address, Cognac is renowned for its production of the world-famous Cognac brandy. Visitors can take guided tours of distilleries, learn about the production process, and enjoy tastings of this exquisite spirit. 10. Futuroscope: Situated about 150 kilometers away, Futuroscope is a futuristic theme park near Poitiers. It offers a range of multimedia and interactive attractions, including 3D and 4D cinemas, virtual reality experiences, and thrilling rides, making it a great destination for families and technology enthusiasts.

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