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3 reviews

Price per night:

price from €48






Description for B&B:

This accommodation offers three bedrooms, each equipped with its own bathroom and toilet. Additionally, the guests will have access to guides, documentations, bicycles, and a barbecue. Start your day with a delightful regional breakfast, which includes a variety of homemade jams and crepes.


Appréciations pour Puchois, Lampaul-Guimiliau:

Séjour formidable
Review by: Jean-Bernard FORFERT, Juil 21 2018 4:41PM
Nous avons eu le plaisir dêtre accueilli chez Odile à Lampaul . Nous retenons une prestation hors pair , une hôtesse attentionnée mettant tout en uvre pour satisfaire ses hôtes de passage avec simplicité et gentillesse. En plus de tout cela, ses confitures maison valent le détour ! Allez chez Odile , vous ne serez pas déçus !
Chambres d'hôtes Mme Puchois
Review by: Grelier, Mai 27 2018 8:53AM
Accueil chaleureux, chambres impeccables, petit déjeuner royal, à recommander vivement
Une hospitalité hors du commun
Review by: BIVAUD, Sep 14 2016 11:19AM
L'intérieur de la maison est superbement agencé.
Les chambres sont neuves, très belles et comportent toutes une salle de bains.
La décoration est simplement adorable.

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Take the NATIONALE 12 highway and take the LANDIVISIAU-EST exit. From there, continue towards lampaul-guimiliau and look for signs indicating "chambres d hôtes" as you enter the village.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 48 55 inclus


Animals Allowed


  • Lampaul-Guimiliau Parish Close: Located within the village itself, this architectural gem is a well-preserved enclosure surrounding the village church. It features a stunning churchyard, an ossuary, and intricate stone carvings that tell stories from the Bible.
  • Enclos Paroissial de Guimiliau: Another impressive parish close nearby, the Enclos Paroissial de Guimiliau is known for its magnificent Calvary monument, a must-see for history and art enthusiasts. The enclosure also houses a church, an ossuary, and various sculptures.
  • Ménez Hom: Situated about 10 kilometers southwest of Lampaul-Guimiliau, Ménez Hom is a prominent mountain offering breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes. It is a popular spot for hiking, paragliding, and enjoying the natural beauty of the area.
  • Brest Fortress: Around 30 kilometers northwest of Lampaul-Guimiliau, the Brest Fortress is a historic military site that played a significant role in various conflicts throughout history. Visitors can explore the fortress, learn about its turbulent past, and enjoy the picturesque views of the Brest Bay.
  • Océanopolis: Located in Brest, approximately 25 kilometers from Lampaul-Guimiliau, Océanopolis is a fascinating ocean discovery park. It offers a unique opportunity to explore marine life through interactive exhibits, aquariums, and educational presentations.
  • Château de Kerjean: Situated about 20 kilometers northeast of Lampaul-Guimiliau, the Château de Kerjean is a beautifully restored castle that dates back to the 16th century. Visitors can discover its rich history, explore the elegant rooms, and stroll through the surrounding gardens.
  • Roscoff: A charming coastal town located about 40 kilometers northeast of Lampaul-Guimiliau, Roscoff is renowned for its picturesque harbor and historic architecture. Visitors can enjoy its sandy beaches, visit the Notre-Dame de Croaz Batz church, and explore the bustling waterfront. These attractions offer a variety of experiences, from cultural and historical exploration to natural beauty and marine life. Enjoy your visit to Lampaul-Guimiliau and its surroundings!

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