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Marie-Christine et Philippe Vion
550 Rue des Montifaux
Gauchin Verloingt


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Price per night:

price from €54




Description for B&B:

There are a total of five guest rooms available in the outbuildings of this 19th century manor house. These rooms consist of two double rooms and three twin rooms, each equipped with private showers and lavabos. Three of the rooms are located upstairs, while the remaining two rooms are situated on the ground floor.

Description for Gite

This holiday home offers an outdoor experience with its charming accommodations. On the ground floor, you will find a comfortable double room, while upstairs there is another double room and a twin room. The house features two bathrooms, a fully-equipped kitchen, a cozy living room, and a lovely garden for you to enjoy.


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Starting in St Pol sur Ternoise, take the D343 road towards Fruges. Once you reach Gauchin Verloingt, make a right turn onto rue de Troisvaux. Then, take another right onto rue des Montifaux. The destination, a house, will be on your right.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 54 68 20 oui
Holiday Home 1 50 150 350 450 12


Animals Allowed


  • Louvre-Lens Museum: Located in Lens, approximately 30 minutes away from Gauchin Verloingt, the Louvre-Lens Museum is a satellite branch of the famous Louvre Museum in Paris. It features an impressive collection of art and artifacts from different periods, offering visitors a unique cultural experience.
  • Vimy Ridge: Located in the municipality of Vimy, around 20 minutes away, Vimy Ridge is a significant historical site from World War I. It is home to the Canadian National Vimy Memorial, commemorating the Canadian soldiers who fought and lost their lives during the Battle of Vimy Ridge. The memorial and preserved trenches provide insights into the war and offer a moving tribute to the fallen.
  • Arras Citadel: Situated in the city of Arras, just a short drive from Gauchin Verloingt, the Arras Citadel is a fortress dating back to the 17th century. Visitors can explore the ramparts, underground tunnels, and the beautiful park surrounding the citadel. It is a great place to learn about the region's history and enjoy some outdoor activities.
  • Notre-Dame de Lorette: Located in Ablain-Saint-Nazaire, less than 30 minutes away, Notre-Dame de Lorette is the largest French military cemetery from World War I. It is a solemn and reflective place to pay respects to the soldiers who lost their lives during the war. The site also includes a memorial, museum, and panoramic viewpoint offering a comprehensive understanding of the war's impact.
  • Béthune: Just a short drive from Gauchin Verloingt, Béthune is a charming town with a rich architectural heritage. Its main square, the Grand Place, is surrounded by beautiful Flemish-style buildings and hosts a lively market. The town also features the UNESCO-listed belfry, offering panoramic views of the surrounding area.
  • Aire-sur-la-Lys: Situated approximately 40 minutes away, Aire-sur-la-Lys is a picturesque town known for its historic architecture and charming canals. Visitors can explore the medieval town center, visit the Saint-Pierre Church, and enjoy a leisurely boat ride along the Lys River.
  • Lens 14-18 Great War Museum: Located in Lens, this museum provides a comprehensive overview of World War I and its impact on the region. Through interactive exhibits, artifacts, and personal stories, visitors can gain a deeper understanding of the war's history and its consequences.
  • Parc d'Olhain: Situated in Fresnicourt-le-Dolmen, less than 15 minutes away, Parc d'Olhain is a beautiful recreational park offering a range of activities for all ages. Visitors can enjoy hiking trails, adventure courses, a lake for fishing, picnic areas, and even a zoo. It is a perfect spot for outdoor enthusiasts and families.
  • Lille: Located about an hour away, Lille is a vibrant city known for its Flemish architecture, lively culture, and excellent shopping opportunities. Visitors can explore the historic city center, visit notable landmarks such as the Palais des Beaux-Arts and the Citadel of Lille, and indulge in the city's renowned culinary scene. 10. La Coupole: Situated in Helfaut, approximately one hour and 15 minutes away, La Coupole is a massive concrete bunker built by the Nazis during World War II. Now a history museum, it offers exhibitions on the V-2 rockets, the occupation of France, and the impact of the war. The site also includes an immersive 3D planetarium show.

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