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Philippe Carrere
Le Village


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Price per night:

price from €29





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Description for B&B:

We offer a selection of three spacious rooms, each accompanied by a private bathroom for your convenience. In addition, our establishment features a conference room where you can conduct meetings or host events. For moments of relaxation, we provide a dedicated area designed to help you unwind and rejuvenate. Our property spans across an expansive four-hectare estate, complete with a serene private lake. To enhance your stay, we offer a delightful table d'hôtes experience, ensuring you can savor delicious meals throughout the year. Rest assured, our doors remain open to welcome you any time, all year round.


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To get to the Salle des fêtes from the Lannemezan motorway exit, follow the signs towards Auch. Once you reach Gaussan, take a right turn in the direction of the Salle des fêtes.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 29 59 168 350
(3 pers.)
1 39 79 232 470


Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Lourdes (9.5 km): Lourdes is a major pilgrimage site known for the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes. Visitors can explore the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, attend mass, and see the famous Grotto where the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to Saint Bernadette.
  • Pic du Midi de Bigorre (47 km): Located in the French Pyrenees, Pic du Midi de Bigorre offers breathtaking views from its observatory at an altitude of 2,877 meters. Visitors can take a cable car to the summit, observe the stars at night, and learn about astronomy at the museum.
  • Gavarnie Cirque (49 km): This UNESCO World Heritage site is a stunning natural amphitheater located in the Pyrenees National Park. The highlight is the Gavarnie Falls, one of the tallest waterfalls in Europe. Hiking trails allow visitors to explore the area and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
  • Cauterets (53 km): A charming spa town situated in the Pyrenees, Cauterets is famous for its thermal baths and picturesque surroundings. Visitors can relax in the thermal spas, hike in the nearby Pyrenees National Park, or take a scenic ride on the Pont d'Espagne cable car.
  • Pau (61 km): Pau is a historic city known for its elegant architecture and medieval charm. The Boulevard des Pyrénées offers panoramic views of the Pyrenees Mountains. Visitors can explore the Château de Pau, stroll through the picturesque old town, and visit the birthplace of the legendary French king, Henry IV.
  • Tarbes (27 km): Tarbes is a vibrant city with a rich cultural heritage. The Jardin Massey is a beautiful public park featuring exotic plants, peacocks, and a picturesque lake. The Massey Museum showcases art and artifacts from the region, while the Tarbes National Stud Farm offers horse shows and guided tours.
  • Pont d'Espagne (56 km): Located in the Pyrenees National Park, Pont d'Espagne is a stunning mountain area with cascading waterfalls and crystal-clear lakes. Visitors can hike along well-marked trails, enjoy a picnic by the water, or take in the breathtaking views from the Pont d'Espagne bridge.
  • Saint-Savin (46 km): Saint-Savin is a picturesque village known for its Abbey Church, a UNESCO World Heritage site. The church is famous for its beautifully preserved medieval frescoes, which depict biblical scenes. Visitors can explore the church and wander through the charming streets of the village.
  • Pyrenees National Park (various entry points): The Pyrenees National Park offers a wide range of outdoor activities and stunning natural beauty. From hiking and mountain biking to wildlife spotting and scenic drives, the park is a paradise for nature enthusiasts. Various entry points allow visitors to explore different parts of the park based on their preferences. 10. Grottes de Bétharram (67 km): Located near the town of Lourdes, the Grottes de Bétharram is a network of spectacular caves. Visitors can take a guided tour through the underground chambers, marvel at the remarkable rock formations, and learn about the geological history of the area.