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Contact Details:


Andre Marti
27 Rue Haute



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Price per week:

price from €1134






Description for Gite

At our gite, we offer a range of convenient services to ensure a comfortable stay for our guests. These include:
- Cozy rooms with private entrances and en-suite showers. Some rooms also feature attached toilets for added convenience.
- A well-equipped kitchen complete with a television, so you can enjoy your meals while catching up on your favorite shows.
- Heating and air conditioning systems to maintain the perfect temperature throughout your stay.
- A thorough cleaning service at the end of your visit, ensuring a tidy and welcoming environment for the next guests.
- Complimentary supply of fresh bed linen and towels, so you can pack light and still feel at home.
- Reliable Wi-Fi access to keep you connected and entertained during your time with us.
- A charming courtyard furnished with garden furniture, providing a tranquil space to relax and unwind. We also offer a secure bicycle shed for those who wish to explore the area on two wheels.
- Please note that the tourist tax is also included in our services.


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Conveniently located in Languedoc-Roussillon along an ancient communication route once used by the Greeks and Romans, our guest house is situated between the historical monuments of Nimes and the capital city of Languedoc-Roussillon, Montpellier. We are easily accessible from exit 26 on Highway A9, known as the Gallargues exit. Located at the entrance of the Camargue region, we are also close to the beautiful beaches of Grau du Roi, the medieval city of Aigues-Mortes, and the scenic Cevennes. Whether you are on a holiday, a business trip, or looking for a relaxing weekend getaway, our guest house is an essential stop along your journey. Visit our website for detailed directions on how to reach Vergèze and La Clé des chants from exit 26, Gallargues, on the A9 motorway between Nimes and Montpellier. We offer multiple public and free parking areas surrounding the guest house, allowing you to conveniently leave your car during your stay.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: Gite for 6 people minimum and 11 people maximum




  • Pont du Gard: Located approximately 5 kilometers away from Vergèze, Pont du Gard is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a stunning ancient Roman aqueduct bridge. Visitors can explore the well-preserved structure and admire its impressive architecture.
  • Nîmes Arena: Situated in the city of Nîmes, around 20 kilometers from Vergèze, the Nîmes Arena is an ancient Roman amphitheater. This well-preserved structure hosts various events, including concerts and bullfights, and offers visitors a chance to step back in time.
  • La Camargue: Located about 40 kilometers southwest of Vergèze, La Camargue is a unique natural region known for its marshes, wetlands, and wildlife. Visitors can enjoy horseback riding, birdwatching, and exploring the picturesque landscapes of this beautiful nature reserve.
  • Palais des Papes: Situated in Avignon, approximately 60 kilometers from Vergèze, the Palais des Papes (Palace of the Popes) is a grand medieval fortress and a UNESCO World Heritage site. This impressive palace was the residence of the Popes during the 14th century and offers guided tours to explore its historical significance.
  • Les Arènes de Nîmes: Located in Nîmes, around 20 kilometers away, Les Arènes de Nîmes is another ancient Roman amphitheater and a popular tourist attraction. With a capacity of 24,000 spectators, it offers guided tours and hosts various events throughout the year.
  • Aigues-Mortes: Situated approximately 50 kilometers southwest of Vergèze, Aigues-Mortes is a medieval walled city surrounded by salt marshes. Visitors can explore the well-preserved ramparts, stroll through the charming streets, and enjoy the beautiful views of this historic town.
  • Uzès: Located around 40 kilometers northeast of Vergèze, Uzès is a picturesque town known for its medieval architecture and charming atmosphere. Visitors can visit the Uzès Cathedral, explore the Place aux Herbes, and enjoy the local markets.
  • Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer: Situated about 70 kilometers southwest of Vergèze, Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer is a coastal town on the Mediterranean Sea. It is known for its sandy beaches, vibrant culture, and annual pilgrimage of the Romani people to honor Saint Sarah.
  • Musée de la Romanité: Located in Nîmes, approximately 20 kilometers away, the Musée de la Romanité is a museum dedicated to Roman history and culture. It showcases various artifacts, sculptures, and exhibits, providing visitors with a deeper understanding of the region's Roman heritage. 10. Les Jardins de la Fontaine: Situated in Nîmes, around 20 kilometers from Vergèze, Les Jardins de la Fontaine is a beautiful park featuring Roman ruins, fountains, and landscaped gardens. Visitors can enjoy peaceful walks, admire the ancient monuments, and relax in this serene oasis.

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