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Sausseau Françoise
17 Avenue de Verdun



3 reviews

Price per night:

price from €65






Description for B&B:

Welcome to Clos de Beauregard Marans (17), a tranquil retreat located just 5 minutes away from downtown. Our cozy establishment offers 4 spacious bedrooms, each measuring 21m², on the upper floor. Situated in close proximity to the historic Beauregard mill, which is renowned for its production of organic flour, our location offers a unique and picturesque experience.


Appréciations pour Le Clos de Beauregard, Marans:

bonne adresse
Review by: Babeth et Jean, Jan 14 2023 9:46AM
Très bon accueil dans un endroit agréable.Nous reviendrons avec plaisir.
de passage pour une nuit
Review by: francoise , Mai 17 2017 4:50PM
endroit très calme , accueil très convivial, petit déjeuner copieux ,hôte très sympathique et proche des clients
Un bol d'air frais...
Review by: Flavie, Nov 12 2014 10:08PM
Chambre agréable et propre, petit déjeuner copieux et succulent au bon goût du fait-maison (ainsi que le repas si vous le choisissez), et surtout, un accueil très convivial. L'avis peut paraître emphatique et pourtant, Françoise le mérite !

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extra bed
Notes: Rate for 1 bed
Notes: Rate for 2 Beds




  • Marans Church: Located in the heart of Marans, this charming 12th-century church features beautiful stained glass windows and a peaceful atmosphere, making it a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts.
  • Marais Poitevin: Just a short distance from Marans, the Marais Poitevin is a stunning marshland known as the "Green Venice." Explore the canals by boat or on foot, and immerse yourself in the unique flora and fauna of this enchanting natural reserve.
  • Château de la Gataudière: Situated in nearby Saint-Georges-du-Bois, this elegant Renaissance castle offers guided tours that take visitors through its rich history and impressive architecture. Enjoy strolling around the beautiful gardens and admiring the picturesque surroundings.
  • La Rochelle: Located approximately 20 kilometers southwest of Marans, La Rochelle is a vibrant coastal city famous for its historic port, medieval architecture, and charming old town. Explore the atmospheric streets, visit the iconic La Rochelle Aquarium, and enjoy the bustling harbor atmosphere.
  • Île de Ré: A short drive from Marans, Île de Ré is a stunning island known for its sandy beaches, charming villages, and picturesque landscapes. Rent a bike and cycle around the island, visit the iconic Phare des Baleines lighthouse, and indulge in delicious seafood at one of the island's many restaurants.
  • Fort Boyard: Situated off the coast of La Rochelle, Fort Boyard is a historic fortress that has gained fame through the popular TV show of the same name. While it's not possible to visit the fort itself, boat tours take you around it, offering great photo opportunities and a chance to learn about its intriguing history.
  • Puy du Fou: Located approximately 1.5 hours northeast of Marans, Puy du Fou is a world-renowned historical theme park that offers spectacular shows, reenactments, and immersive experiences. From ancient Roman arenas to medieval castles, this park offers a unique and unforgettable journey through time.
  • Les Sables-d'Olonne: A coastal town located around 80 kilometers north of Marans, Les Sables-d'Olonne is known for its beautiful sandy beaches, lively promenade, and charming old town. Enjoy sunbathing, watersports, or take a stroll along the vibrant seafront and explore the local shops and restaurants. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from historical sites and natural beauty to cultural and recreational activities, ensuring there is something to suit every traveler's interests near 17 Avenue de Verdun, Marans, France.

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