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Pierre Lasseaux
2 Place de L'eglise


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Price per night:

price from €30


06 85 30 10 70


06 76 20 77 89


Description for B&B:

"Experience the charm of our character-filled apartments or rooms available for rent, located in the picturesque countryside near downtown Pontvallain. Immerse yourself in history as our property is situated on the site where the famous Battle against Duguesclin took place during the Hundred Years War. Whether you're looking for a day or weekly stay, our rentals offer the perfect opportunity to explore the surrounding area and its rich historical significance."


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To reach Lude, take the direction of Arnage from Du Mans. Keep driving until you reach Lude, which is approximately 11 kilometers before Arnage.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 30 40
Apartment 1 50 60




  • Château du Lude: Located about 6 km northwest of Pontvallain, Château du Lude is a stunning Renaissance castle known for its well-preserved architecture and beautiful gardens. Visitors can explore the castle's rich history and admire its elegant interior.
  • Zoo de la Flèche: Situated around 26 km northeast of Pontvallain, Zoo de la Flèche is one of the most popular zoos in France. It houses over 1,500 animals from various species, including lions, tigers, giraffes, and elephants. The zoo also offers educational shows and activities for families.
  • Jardin du Petit Bordeaux: Located about 9 km southeast of Pontvallain, Jardin du Petit Bordeaux is a charming botanical garden. It features a wide variety of plants, including rare species, and offers a peaceful atmosphere for nature lovers to relax and take a leisurely stroll.
  • Château de Courtanvaux: Situated approximately 20 km west of Pontvallain, Château de Courtanvaux is a magnificent castle surrounded by a vast park and gardens. The castle offers guided tours, allowing visitors to discover its rich history and admire the grandeur of its architecture.
  • Le Mans Cathedral: Positioned around 20 km northeast of Pontvallain, Le Mans Cathedral (Cathédrale St-Julien du Mans) is a remarkable Gothic-style cathedral. Known for its stunning stained glass windows and intricate sculptures, the cathedral is a significant religious and architectural landmark in the region.
  • Musée de Tessé: Located approximately 25 km northeast of Pontvallain in Le Mans, Musée de Tessé is a fine arts museum that houses an extensive collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts. It showcases works from various periods, including ancient Egyptian artifacts and European masterpieces.
  • Abbaye de l'Epau: Situated around 30 km northeast of Pontvallain, Abbaye de l'Epau is a picturesque Cistercian abbey dating back to the 13th century. The abbey's serene surroundings and stunning architecture make it an ideal spot for a peaceful visit and a glimpse into the region's history.
  • Circuit de la Sarthe: Positioned approximately 25 km northeast of Pontvallain, Circuit de la Sarthe is well-known as the hosting venue for the iconic 24 Hours of Le Mans car race. Motorsport enthusiasts can visit the circuit's museum to learn about the race's history and witness the legendary track. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from historical landmarks and architectural marvels to natural beauty and cultural exhibits, making them worth exploring during a visit to Pontvallain, France.

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