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Contact Details:


Edith Gachet
La Ville
Albiez Le Jeune


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Price per night:

price from €55



06 86 58 46 21


Description for B&B:

Our completely renovated farmhouse, dating back to 1898, is nestled in a natural setting. Surrounded by nature, our guest house offers two rooms that can accommodate up to seven people. Situated at an altitude of 1200 meters, it provides an ideal environment for observing a diverse range of wildlife, including mammals, birds, and butterflies. As members of LPO (League for the Protection of Birds), we are dedicated to preserving and maintaining biodiversity. During winter, you may be fortunate enough to witness deer roaming the woods behind the house, encounter a fox on your way, and in the summer, witness the acrobatic skills of squirrels as they navigate the tree branches. Our guest rooms are separate from our main house and each come with their own bathroom. We also offer the option to dine with us, where we look forward to sharing a convivial moment together.


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Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 55 20
(3 pers.)
1 75 20


Animals Allowed


  • Albiez-Montrond Ski Resort: Located just a short distance from Albiez Le Jeune, this ski resort offers a range of winter activities, including skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing. Enjoy stunning alpine landscapes and well-groomed slopes suitable for all levels of expertise.
  • Fort du Télégraphe: Positioned atop a hill, Fort du Télégraphe offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. This historical fortress was once an important strategic point during the Napoleonic era and is now open to visitors who can explore its fascinating history.
  • Col de la Croix de Fer: A renowned mountain pass in the French Alps, Col de la Croix de Fer is a popular destination for cyclists and nature enthusiasts. The road features challenging gradients and rewards travelers with spectacular vistas of snow-capped peaks and lush green valleys.
  • Albiez-Le-Vieux Church: This charming village church showcases traditional Savoyard architecture and is worth a visit for its peaceful ambiance and beautiful stained glass windows. Take a stroll around the village to admire its picturesque setting and rustic charm.
  • Les Aiguilles d'Arves: These iconic rock formations dominate the landscape and offer a striking backdrop for outdoor activities. Hiking, mountaineering, and climbing are popular here, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the stunning natural beauty of the area.
  • Opinel Museum: Located in the nearby town of Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne, this museum is dedicated to the world-famous Opinel knife. Learn about the history, craftsmanship, and cultural significance of this iconic French tool through interactive exhibits and displays.
  • Le Gouffre d'Enfer: Known as the "Hell Hole," this impressive natural chasm is a must-see for adventure seekers. Embark on a guided tour to explore the depths of the cave and discover its stunning geological formations, including stalactites and underground rivers.
  • Château de Montvernier: Situated in the charming village of Montvernier, this medieval castle is steeped in history and offers a glimpse into the region's past. Explore the well-preserved ruins and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside from the castle's vantage point.
  • Maurienne Valley: Stretching over 120 kilometers, the Maurienne Valley is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts. With its numerous hiking trails, cycling routes, and mountain sports opportunities, visitors can enjoy the natural beauty of the Alps while engaging in their favorite activities. 10. Le Grand Filon: Located in Saint-Georges-d'Hurtières, this former iron mine turned mining museum provides insights into the region's industrial heritage. Discover the history of iron mining through interactive exhibitions and guided tours, including a visit to an underground gallery. Please note that it's always a good idea to check the opening hours and availability of these attractions before planning your visit.