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Giovanna Ferre
2260 Voie Romaine


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price from €600



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Description for B&B:

This is a bedroom with a double bed. The kitchen is connected to the living room, which includes a sofa bed. There is also a bathroom available. Additionally, there is a swimming pool, an Italian-style shower, a ping pong table, and an outdoor cooking area.


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extra bed
Apartment 1 98 156 600 1100


Swimming Pool


  • Calanques National Park: Located along the Mediterranean coast, the Calanques National Park offers stunning landscapes with limestone cliffs, crystal clear waters, and hidden coves. Visitors can explore the park through hiking trails, rock climbing, or by taking a boat tour.
  • Cassis: A charming coastal town, Cassis is known for its picturesque harbor, colorful buildings, and vibrant atmosphere. Visitors can enjoy strolling along the waterfront, exploring the narrow streets, and sampling local wines at one of the many vineyards in the area.
  • Marseille: As the second-largest city in France, Marseille offers a mix of historical landmarks, cultural attractions, and a vibrant culinary scene. Highlights include the Old Port, the iconic Notre-Dame de la Garde Basilica, the MuCEM (Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations), and the vibrant neighborhoods of Le Panier and Cours Julien.
  • Aix-en-Provence: Known for its elegant architecture and artistic heritage, Aix-en-Provence is a charming town located just a short drive from Voie Romaine. The city is famous for being the birthplace of painter Paul Cézanne, and visitors can explore his former studio, walk along the Cours Mirabeau, and visit the beautiful Saint-Sauveur Cathedral.
  • Le Castellet: Perched on a hilltop, Le Castellet is a quaint medieval village that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. Visitors can wander through the narrow cobblestone streets, admire the preserved stone houses, and visit the charming boutiques and art galleries.
  • Bandol: Known for its sandy beaches and vineyards, Bandol is a popular coastal resort town. Visitors can relax on the beaches, enjoy water sports activities, or visit one of the many wineries to taste the renowned Bandol wines.
  • La Ciotat: A vibrant coastal town, La Ciotat boasts beautiful beaches, a picturesque old port, and a rich maritime history. Visitors can relax on the sandy shores, visit the historic shipyards, or take a boat trip to the nearby island of Île Verte.
  • Sainte-Baume Regional Natural Park: Located inland, Sainte-Baume Regional Natural Park is a peaceful sanctuary offering lush forests, hiking trails, and stunning views. The park is known for its ancient caves, including the Grotte de Sainte-Marie-Madeleine, where Mary Magdalene is said to have lived.
  • Château d'If: Situated on the island of If, just off the coast of Marseille, the Château d'If is a notorious fortress and former prison. Made famous by Alexandre Dumas' novel "The Count of Monte Cristo," visitors can explore the fortress, learn about its history, and enjoy panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea. 10. Ceyreste Village: If you prefer to stay closer to Voie Romaine, the village of Ceyreste itself offers a peaceful and authentic Provençal atmosphere. Explore its narrow streets, visit the Romanesque-style Saint-André Church, and enjoy the local restaurants serving tasty regional dishes.

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