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Rue du Château


2 reviews

Price per week:

price from €378






Description for Gite

Tucked away in a serene forest setting, the cozy "Conilhére" cottage is the perfect retreat for up to four people. This charming accommodation offers a spacious living room with a well-equipped kitchenette, a bathroom with a toilet, and two bedrooms furnished with comfortable 140-sized beds (a crib is also available upon request).

Step out onto the terrace and soak in the breathtaking views of the Black Mountains while enjoying the provided garden furniture, plancha, deck chairs, and pergola. For those arriving by car, there is a convenient garage available for parking.

Nature enthusiasts will delight in the abundance of outdoor activities available on-site, such as hiking, biking, fishing, and hunting. Additionally, the location offers easy access to various tourist and gastronomic attractions, including the historic city of Carcassonne just 20 minutes away, the picturesque Minerva, the awe-inspiring giant chasm of Cabrespine, the captivating 8 locks of Béziers, the iconic Canal du Midi, and the renowned Castelnaudary cassoulet.

Whether you are looking for a restful overnight stay or a relaxing weekend getaway, we offer flexible rental options to suit your needs. For more information, please visit our website or feel free to reach out to us.


Appréciations pour Les Citounelles, Citou:

hors du temps
Review by: Sonia Laurent, Mar 17 2019 11:46PM
Si vous souhaitez un lieu paisible ou il fait bon vivre, c'est le gite idéal... Laccueil et la disponibilité des proprios est parfait Le gite est très bien fait, et beau, paré de bois et de pierre. Gîte très propre, décoré avec beaucoup de gout et tout est cohérent. Ils ont préservé avec respect le style. Le passé de cette maison nous a fait plonger dans lhistoire .Le cadre est magnifique. La télé ne manque pas tellement le lieu et reposant. La terrasse les chambre la salle de bain tout est vraiment très joli Merci beaucoup à vous de créer des lieux magique. Très belle continuation à vous.
A bientôt très certainement
Sonia Et Laurent
quelle gentillesse
Review by: florence, Fev 15 2017 12:41PM
Nathalie est très sympathique et compréhensive nous noublierons pas l'adresse

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extra bed
Holiday Home 1 54 54 378 378


Animals Allowed


  • Château de Citou: This medieval castle is located right in Rue du Château, Citou. The fortified walls, towers, and stunning views make it a must-visit attraction for history enthusiasts.
  • Abbaye de Caunes-Minervois: Situated in the nearby village of Caunes-Minervois, this 8th-century Benedictine abbey is renowned for its beautiful Romanesque architecture and stunning cloister. Visitors can explore the abbey's ancient halls and learn about its rich history.
  • Les Grottes de Limousis: Just a short drive from Rue du Château, Citou, these limestone caves offer a fascinating underground adventure. Visitors can marvel at the stunning stalactites and stalagmites while learning about the cave's geological formations.
  • Canal du Midi: A UNESCO World Heritage site, the Canal du Midi is a historic waterway that runs through the region. Visitors can enjoy leisurely boat trips, bike rides along the towpath, or simply relax and admire the picturesque landscapes.
  • Cathédrale Saint-Just et Saint-Pasteur: Located in the nearby town of Narbonne, this impressive Gothic cathedral dates back to the 13th century. Its remarkable stained glass windows and intricate architecture make it a must-visit for architectural and history enthusiasts.
  • Château de Lastours: Situated in the village of Lastours, this medieval castle offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Visitors can explore the ruins, learn about the castle's history, and enjoy hiking trails that lead to other nearby castles.
  • Minerve: This picturesque village is classified as one of the "Most Beautiful Villages of France." Known for its dramatic natural setting and ancient Cathar history, visitors can wander through its narrow streets, admire the medieval architecture, and enjoy the stunning views.
  • Carcassonne: A short drive from Rue du Château, Citou, Carcassonne is a fortified city with a rich medieval history. Visitors can explore the well-preserved citadel, walk along the ancient city walls, and immerse themselves in the enchanting atmosphere of this UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Lac de Jouarres: Situated near Homps, this scenic lake offers various water activities such as swimming, sailing, and paddleboarding. Visitors can relax on the sandy beaches, enjoy a picnic, or rent a boat to explore the tranquil waters. 10. Fontfroide Abbey: Located near Narbonne, this Cistercian abbey is a magnificent example of medieval architecture. Visitors can wander through the serene cloisters, admire the peaceful gardens, and learn about the abbey's fascinating history. These attractions near Rue du Château, Citou, offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historical sites to enjoying natural landscapes and cultural heritage.