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Steeve Richard
La Poignadiere
Chatillon Sur Indre


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Price per night:

price from €638






Description for B&B:

Located amidst the magnificent Blois Châteauroux towers, a mere 2 hours and 30 minutes away from the bustling city of Paris, and within a convenient 25-minute drive from the renowned Beauval Zoo, lies a hidden gem. This enchanting destination is also just 20 minutes away from the historical town of Loches, and the splendid regional park of Brenne. Moreover, within a short 40-minute journey, you can explore the grandeur of the main castles. Nestled in a serene setting, this idyllic location offers numerous advantages for ultimate relaxation, far from the maddening crowds.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
8 638 638 20
Holiday Home 2


Swimming Pool
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  • Château de Valençay: Located in Valençay, this beautiful Renaissance-era castle is a must-visit attraction. Explore its opulent rooms, stunning gardens, and learn about its historical significance.
  • Château de Chenonceau: Situated in Chenonceaux, this iconic castle spans the River Cher and is known for its elegant architecture. Take a guided tour to discover its rich history and admire its picturesque surroundings.
  • Château de Chambord: Located in Chambord, this grand castle is a masterpiece of French Renaissance architecture. Explore its vast grounds, climb to the rooftop terraces for panoramic views, and marvel at its intricate details.
  • ZooParc de Beauval: Situated in Saint-Aignan, this renowned zoo is home to over 10,000 animals from around the world. Get up close to giant pandas, white tigers, and many other fascinating species in a beautifully landscaped setting.
  • Maison de la Magie: Found in Blois, this magical museum showcases the world of illusion and magic tricks. Enjoy captivating performances, explore interactive exhibits, and learn about the life and tricks of famous illusionist Jean-Eugène Robert-Houdin.
  • Château de Loches: Situated in Loches, this medieval fortress offers a glimpse into the past. Visit the imposing keep, explore the royal apartments, and wander through the charming town that surrounds it.
  • Parc des Mini-Châteaux: Located in Amboise, this miniature park showcases scaled-down replicas of famous castles from the Loire Valley and beyond. Wander through the beautifully landscaped gardens and admire the intricate details of each model.
  • Musée de la Porcelaine de Limoges: Found in Limoges, this museum is dedicated to the art of Limoges porcelain. Discover the history, see impressive collections, and even try your hand at painting porcelain.
  • Parc Naturel Régional de la Brenne: Situated near Le Blanc, this regional park is a haven for nature lovers. Explore its diverse landscapes, including marshes, forests, and over a thousand ponds, while observing the many bird species that call this area home. 10. Parc Floral de la Source: Located in Orléans, this picturesque floral park offers a tranquil escape. Stroll through its beautifully manicured gardens, admire the colorful flower displays, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. Note: Some attractions may require advance booking or have seasonal opening hours, so it's advisable to check their websites for the most up-to-date information before planning your visit.

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