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Patricia Millet
1126 Route De Vizeron
Gilly Sur Isere


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Price per night:

price from €90





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Description for B&B:

There are four guest rooms available in this contemporary 320m2 house, offering breathtaking mountain views. Each room is furnished with a shower, toilet, and air conditioning for your comfort. Additionally, amenities such as a carport, swimming pool, and Jacuzzi are provided for your enjoyment. Meals are also available for your convenience.


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Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 90 20 10


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access


  • Château de Montmélian: Located about 6 km south of Gilly Sur Isere, this medieval castle offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape. Explore its historic architecture and learn about its rich history through guided tours.
  • Les Jardins Secrets: Situated in Vaulx, approximately 9 km southeast of Gilly Sur Isere, Les Jardins Secrets is a unique garden filled with hidden pathways, fountains, and artistic sculptures. Discover its enchanting beauty and enjoy a peaceful stroll through its various themed gardens.
  • Musée Savoisien: Found in Chambery, around 16 km north of Gilly Sur Isere, this museum showcases the history and heritage of the Savoy region. Explore its diverse collection of artifacts, archaeological discoveries, and exhibitions that highlight the cultural significance of the area.
  • Lac du Bourget: Located approximately 25 km northwest of Gilly Sur Isere, Lac du Bourget is the largest natural lake in France. Enjoy various water activities such as swimming, boating, and sailing, or simply relax on the lakeshore and soak in the picturesque views.
  • Aix-les-Bains: Situated on the shores of Lac du Bourget, Aix-les-Bains is a charming spa town known for its thermal baths and beautiful Belle Époque architecture. Explore its vibrant town center, visit the Grand Cercle Casino, or indulge in a rejuvenating spa treatment.
  • Le Revard: Located about 30 km northeast of Gilly Sur Isere, Le Revard is a popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts. Offering breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys, it is a great spot for hiking, mountain biking, and skiing during winter.
  • Les Thermes de Val d'Isère: Found in Val d'Isere, approximately 40 km southeast of Gilly Sur Isere, Les Thermes is a wellness center and spa renowned for its thermal baths and relaxation treatments. Enjoy a day of pampering and rejuvenation in this idyllic alpine setting.
  • Parc National de la Vanoise: Situated about 50 km southeast of Gilly Sur Isere, this national park is a paradise for nature lovers. It offers magnificent alpine landscapes, diverse wildlife, and numerous hiking trails that lead to stunning mountain peaks and picturesque valleys.
  • Château de Miolans: Located approximately 50 km northeast of Gilly Sur Isere, this medieval fortress stands atop a rocky outcrop, providing panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Discover its dark history as a former prison and explore its towers, dungeons, and courtyards. 10. Annecy: Situated around 65 km north of Gilly Sur Isere, Annecy is a captivating town known as the "Venice of the Alps" due to its network of picturesque canals. Explore the charming Old Town, visit the Palais de l'Isle, and take a boat ride on Lake Annecy for a memorable experience.

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