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Contact Details:


Lucie Poulet
10b La Tour Genot


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Price per night:

price from €60





Description for B&B:

Come and experience our warm hospitality at our charming house located in the picturesque Thiérache countryside. Immerse yourself in nature and explore the nearby Aubenton forest through various hiking trails and horseback riding adventures. For those seeking leisure activities, the Blangy leisure center is just 10 km away.

Indulge in a scrumptious breakfast which is included in the price of the night, starting from 60 euros. If you require an additional room, a fee of 25 euros per extra person will be applicable.

The entire upper floor of our house will be exclusively dedicated to your comfort, featuring a cozy double bedroom, a well-equipped shower room, a separate toilet, and a charming mezzanine area with a sofa bed for relaxation. An extra bedroom is also available upon request.

Furthermore, we are delighted to offer accommodation for your beloved horses.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 60 60




  • Laon Cathedral: Located in the nearby city of Laon, this stunning Gothic cathedral dates back to the 12th century. It features impressive stained glass windows, intricate carvings, and a beautiful rose window. Visitors can explore its grand interior and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside from its towers.
  • Château de Guise: Situated in the town of Guise, this medieval fortress was rebuilt in the 19th century and is a significant historical landmark. The château houses a museum that showcases the history of the Guise family and offers guided tours of its opulent rooms, gardens, and underground tunnels.
  • Familistère de Guise: Also located in Guise, this unique social housing complex was built in the 19th century by the industrialist Jean-Baptiste André Godin. It aimed to provide a harmonious living environment for workers and features a central courtyard, communal facilities, and an impressive iron and glass roof. Visitors can take guided tours to learn about the history and philosophy behind this innovative project.
  • The Dragon's Cave: Positioned in the village of Naours, a bit further away, this natural underground labyrinth is a fascinating attraction. Dating back to the Middle Ages, the cave complex was used as a hiding place during times of war. Today, visitors can explore its network of tunnels, admire the ancient graffiti on the walls, and learn about its historical significance.
  • The Matisse Museum: Located in the city of Le Cateau-Cambrésis, this museum is dedicated to the works of renowned artist Henri Matisse. It houses a vast collection of his paintings, sculptures, drawings, and personal belongings. Visitors can immerse themselves in Matisse's artistic journey and gain insight into his creative process.
  • Saint-Quentin Basilica: Situated in the city of Saint-Quentin, this basilica is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. Its stunning façade, adorned with intricate sculptures, is a testament to the craftsmanship of the era. Inside, visitors can admire the beautiful stained glass windows and the grand organ, as well as explore the crypt.
  • The Underground City of Naours: Located near the village of Naours, this underground city consists of a network of tunnels and chambers carved into the limestone. Dating back to the Middle Ages, it served as a refuge during times of conflict. Today, visitors can take guided tours to discover this hidden world and learn about its historical significance.
  • The Ailette Golf Club: Situated in Cerny-en-Laonnois, this golf club offers a picturesque setting for golf enthusiasts. The 18-hole course is surrounded by beautiful countryside, with rolling hills and tranquil lakes. Visitors can enjoy a round of golf while taking in the serene natural surroundings. Please note that the mentioned attractions may have specific opening hours and availability, so it is recommended to check their schedules before visiting.