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Le Moulin de Courlas - 2023 Rte de St Sauveur
Saint Jean de Maruejols , Barjac


5 reviews

Price per night:

price from €68




Description for B&B:

Experience peace, tranquility, and the beauty of nature at our charmingly refurbished farm nestled between Gard and Ardèche. Situated on the banks of a picturesque little river, our property offers a relaxing and serene atmosphere. Take a refreshing dip in the private swimming pool, measuring 12mx6m. The ground floor bedroom boasts its own private access and is tastefully decorated in a rustic farm style, complete with cozy furniture that will make you feel right at home. Escape the heat of the sun and indulge in a rejuvenating nap in this comfortable and inviting space.

The spacious 30m² continuation area features an Asian-inspired ambiance, with a living room equipped with a convertible sofa and a separate bedroom furnished with a 160x200 bed. The water room features luxurious marble accents and a TV is provided for your entertainment. Your privacy and relaxation are ensured on the ground floor, where you can unwind on the covered and independent terrace. Additionally, you can enjoy the shade of the ancient "platanes" trees in the courtyard or challenge your companions to a game of table tennis.

Your bedroom opens onto a terrace where you will be served delicious breakfast and dinner. Our meals are meticulously prepared using locally sourced ingredients, some of which you can purchase on-site, as well as fresh vegetables from our own garden.

For leisure and activities, you can explore various walking and hiking trails starting right from our doorstep. Convenient shops are located just 2 km away, while tennis courts can be found 2 km from the property. If you're looking for adventure, you can rent canoes 3 km away or enjoy horseback riding 7 km away.


Appréciations pour Le Moulin de Courlas, Saint Jean de Maruejols , Barjac:

séjour du 9/09 au 10/09
Review by: annick desale, Sep 22 2023 12:45PM
juste un mot wahou, marielle nous accueil avec gentillesse, disponibilité, tout est parfait, la chambre, le petit déjeuner les extérieurs, enfin tout
Séjour du 26 au 30 septembre 2018
Review by: Annie et Alain, Oct 10 2018 2:27PM
Inutile de faire de grandes phrases pour vanter l'accueil de Marielle, le confort et la propreté du gîte, le charme et le calme de la propriété ainsi que la bonne table d'hôte.
Trois mots suffisent : tout est parfait.
Grâce aux conseils de Marielle, nous avons découvert les trésors de l'arrière-pays et les bonnes adresses.
A recommander
sejour du 5et 6 octobre 2017
Review by: Vuillet Bernard , Oct 17 2017 11:42AM
chambres hôtes magnifique superbe maison en pierre parfaitement rénové ,les hôtes sont super sympa et très accueillant.en grand parc avec belle piscine.
A recommander
Review by: Alfred Tahir, Aou 21 2011 9:26AM
Voila quatre ans que nous retournons au moulin aux vacances d'été et nous sommes toujours tres bien accuellis Je le conseille vivement gentillesse qualite de l'herbegement ciusine et disponibilite des proprietaires Franchement a connaitre
le Moulin de Courlas
Review by: valérie JODON, Mai 11 2010 6:07PM
Un accueil chaleureux, une très belle maison à la décoration soignée, une maitresse de maison charmante très attentive à ses hôtes ; beaucoup de savoir vivre et en plus, elle cuisine à merveille !!! On a adoré et on y reviendra si on passe par là...

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To get to your destination, take the A6 and exit at BOLLENE. Continue driving after Pont Saint Esprit, Barjac, and St Jean de Maruéjols. Once you reach St Jean de Maruéjols, head towards St Saver of Cruzière. If you are coming from Alès, it will be on your left, and if you are coming from Barjac, it will be on your right. Follow this road for approximately 2km. When you reach the hamlet, you will see the second house on your left.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: maxi 9 pers
(3 pers.)
2 68 23


Swimming Pool


  • Pont du Gard: Located approximately 12 kilometers from Le Moulin de Courlas, Pont du Gard is an ancient Roman aqueduct bridge that spans the Gardon River. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the most impressive examples of Roman engineering. Visitors can admire the stunning architecture and enjoy activities such as canoeing, hiking, and picnicking in the surrounding area.
  • Aven d'Orgnac: Situated about 20 kilometers away, Aven d'Orgnac is a captivating limestone cave system. Visitors can explore the underground wonders, including stunning stalactites and stalagmites, guided by experienced professionals. The site also houses a museum showcasing prehistoric artifacts and provides educational exhibits on geology and paleontology.
  • Uzès: Located approximately 30 kilometers to the west, Uzès is a charming medieval town known for its well-preserved architecture and rich history. The town features a picturesque central square, Place aux Herbes, lined with cafes and shops. Don't miss the Uzès Cathedral and the medieval Fenestrelle Tower, offering panoramic views of the town and surrounding countryside.
  • Nîmes: Situated around 40 kilometers from Le Moulin de Courlas, Nîmes is a vibrant city with a wealth of Roman ruins. The most famous attraction is the well-preserved Roman amphitheater, Les Arènes, which hosts events and concerts. The Maison Carrée, a remarkably preserved Roman temple, and the Jardins de la Fontaine, a beautiful park with Roman ruins and a stunning water feature, are also worth a visit.
  • Avignon: Located approximately 60 kilometers to the southwest, Avignon is renowned for its UNESCO-listed historic center. The Palais des Papes, a massive Gothic palace and former papal residence, dominates the city's skyline. Stroll through the charming narrow streets, visit the famous Pont d'Avignon, and explore the numerous museums and art galleries that showcase the city's rich cultural heritage.
  • Arles: Situated roughly 70 kilometers away, Arles is a historic city known for its Roman and Romanesque monuments. The well-preserved Roman amphitheater, Théâtre Antique, and the Romanesque Saint-Trophime Church are key attractions. Arles also inspired many of Vincent van Gogh's famous paintings, and visitors can follow in his footsteps by exploring the locations depicted in his works.
  • Cevennes National Park: Located around 80 kilometers to the north, Cevennes National Park offers breathtaking natural beauty and diverse flora and fauna. The park is perfect for outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and wildlife spotting. It encompasses scenic landscapes, including deep gorges, limestone plateaus, and dense forests, making it a paradise for nature enthusiasts. These tourist attractions near Le Moulin de Courlas offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring ancient Roman heritage to immersing oneself in natural wonders and charming medieval towns.

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