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Busset Henri
Impasse De Canac


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Price per night:

price from €175


05 31 97 10 50


Description for B&B:

All three renovated bedrooms are distinct and well-marked.

We particularly admire the first room, named Francis, in honor of the renowned victor of Marignan who once stayed at the Castle in 1533. This room beautifully incorporates elements of the grand century, including furniture and portraits of important figures from the time of Louis XIV.

The Marie Antoinette room, on the other hand, captures the luxurious lifestyle that was celebrated by Talleyrand before the revolution. With its hip bath and toilet, it offers a sensual experience for those seeking a more libertine atmosphere.

Lastly, for those who appreciate the Second Empire style, the Empire Room is the perfect choice. Adorned with Eugenie furniture and calming gray walls, it provides a soothing and elegant ambiance. Additionally, the largest salon is located nearby, where guests can gather before or after dinner. In the evenings, when the temperature drops, one can cozy up by the hearth and savor a delicious plum aveyronnaise.

The cuisine at Chateau Canac perfectly complements the enchanting setting. The talented chefs at Busset skillfully prepare traditional Aveyronnais dishes, showcasing the rich flavors of the region. For an even more extraordinary dining experience, guests can venture to Moulin de Cambelong, situated in the picturesque village of Conques, thirty kilometers away. Here, they can indulge in nature-inspired cuisine and truly immerse themselves in the gastronomic delights of the Aveyron region. Gourmets can also take advantage of special packages that combine nights at Chateau Canac with meals at the Michelin-starred restaurant in Conques. It's a dining experience fit for nobility!


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Travel directions to Rodez:

1. At the roundabout near Cone of Moutiers, take the first exit onto D901 / Avenue de Vabre.
2. Take a left turn onto Chemin Canac.
3. Take another left turn onto Rue de Pigüé.
4. Finally, turn left onto Impasse de Canac.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 175 330




  • Rodez Cathedral: Located within walking distance from Impasse De Canac, Rodez Cathedral is a stunning Gothic-style cathedral dating back to the 13th century. It features intricate architectural details and houses the famous Bell Tower Museum, offering panoramic views of the city.
  • Museum Soulages: This modern art museum showcases the works of renowned artist Pierre Soulages, who was born in Rodez. The museum exhibits an impressive collection of his abstract paintings and sculptures, providing a unique artistic experience.
  • Fenaille Museum: Situated in an elegant 16th-century mansion, Fenaille Museum highlights the archaeological heritage of Rodez and the surrounding region. Visitors can explore a vast collection of prehistoric statues, Gallo-Roman artifacts, and medieval sculptures.
  • Notre-Dame Cathedral: Another noteworthy cathedral in Rodez is the Notre-Dame Cathedral. Built in the 13th century, it displays a blend of Gothic and Renaissance architectural styles. The interior houses beautiful stained glass windows and a remarkable organ.
  • Denys-Puech Museum: Dedicated to the works of sculptor Antoine Denys-Puech, this museum showcases a diverse range of sculptures, drawings, and paintings. The building itself is an architectural gem, situated within a picturesque garden.
  • Conques: Located approximately 30 kilometers from Rodez, the village of Conques is renowned for its medieval charm. It features narrow streets, half-timbered houses, and the UNESCO-listed Sainte-Foy Abbey, a stunning Romanesque church.
  • Belcastel: A picturesque village situated along the Aveyron River, Belcastel offers a captivating medieval ambiance. Its highlight is the beautifully restored Belcastel Castle, which hosts exhibitions and provides panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Micropolis Insect Museum: Perfect for nature enthusiasts, Micropolis Insect Museum is an engaging attraction showcasing the fascinating world of insects. Visitors can observe live specimens, learn about their habitats, and discover the vital role they play in ecosystems.
  • Musée Denys Puech: Located in the city of Rodez, Musée Denys Puech exhibits a wide array of sculptures and artworks by the eponymous artist. The museum also features temporary exhibitions, providing a comprehensive art experience. 10. Château de Bournazel: Situated approximately 30 kilometers from Rodez, the Château de Bournazel is a magnificent Renaissance castle surrounded by lush gardens. It offers guided tours, allowing visitors to explore its grand halls, historical artifacts, and stunning architecture.

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