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1b rte de Ribeauvillé



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price from €410





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Description for B&B:

Our ground level self-catering apartment provides accommodation for two individuals. It features a contemporary kitchen fully furnished with convenient amenities including a dishwasher, vitro-ceramic cooker, microwave oven, fridge with a freeze compartment, and all the necessary dishware.

Description for Gite

This gite features a contemporary kitchen that comes fully equipped with a dishwasher, vitro-ceramic cooker, microwave oven, fridge with a freeze compartment, and all the necessary dishes. The living area boasts a modern and comfortable sofa for relaxation. The bedroom is beautifully adorned with wooden décor and offers a cozy double bed. The bathroom is complete with a shower. Outdoor enthusiasts will appreciate the garden furniture provided. Please note that all our apartments are designated as non-smoking areas. Additionally, there is a convenient indoor car park available for guests.


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To reach the destination, follow the route through Colmar and continue until you reach the charming town of Ribeauvillé. Finally, make your way to Storks Park.



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extra bed
Holiday Home 1 410 410


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  • Hunawihr Village: Located right at your doorstep, Hunawihr is a charming Alsatian village known for its well-preserved half-timbered houses and floral displays. Take a leisurely stroll through its narrow streets, visit the 13th-century fortified church, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.
  • Cigoland: Situated just 1 kilometer away, Cigoland is a family-friendly amusement park dedicated to storks and cigognes. Explore the park's zoo, observe storks in their natural habitat, and enjoy various rides and attractions suitable for children of all ages.
  • Haut-Koenigsbourg Castle: Located approximately 8 kilometers from your location, this medieval castle stands proudly on a hilltop, offering panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Discover its rich history, explore its furnished rooms, and take part in guided tours to learn about the castle's strategic importance.
  • Riquewihr: Situated about 4 kilometers away, Riquewihr is a picturesque medieval village renowned for its well-preserved architecture and charming atmosphere. Wander through its narrow streets lined with colorful buildings, visit local shops offering Alsatian wines and delicacies, and immerse yourself in the region's history and culture.
  • Ribeauvillé: Located just 5 kilometers from your location, Ribeauvillé is a quaint town with an impressive historical heritage. Explore its medieval architecture, visit the 12th-century Saint-Ulrich Castle, and enjoy wine tastings at local wineries. The town also hosts various festivals and events throughout the year.
  • Ecomuseum of Alsace: Situated about 15 kilometers away, the Ecomuseum of Alsace is an open-air museum showcasing traditional Alsatian rural life. Step back in time as you explore the reconstructed village, observe traditional crafts, and learn about the region's cultural heritage through exhibits and demonstrations.
  • Colmar: Located approximately 12 kilometers from your address, Colmar is a must-visit city in the Alsace region. Known for its well-preserved old town, filled with colorful half-timbered houses and canals, Colmar exudes charm. Explore its numerous museums, indulge in local cuisine, and admire the beautiful architecture.
  • Montagne des Singes: Situated about 10 kilometers away, Montagne des Singes (Monkey Mountain) is a unique wildlife park where you can observe over 200 Barbary macaques roaming freely. Take a walk through the forest and interact with these friendly creatures in their natural habitat.
  • Parc du Petit Prince: Located around 30 kilometers from your location, Parc du Petit Prince is a theme park inspired by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's famous novella, "The Little Prince." Enjoy various attractions, including hot air balloon rides, interactive exhibitions, and shows, all centered around the beloved story. 10. Europa-Park: Situated approximately 60 kilometers away, Europa-Park is one of Europe's largest and most popular theme parks. With a variety of thrilling rides, shows, and themed areas representing different European countries, this park guarantees a fun-filled day for visitors of all ages.

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