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Contact Details:


Magali Herbinger
Logis De Calais - Chassagne


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Price per night:

price from €80





Description for B&B:

There are two proposed rooms available. The first room is situated on the loft floor and is completely independent. It offers a stunning view of nature, plenty of natural light, and has a beautiful high ceiling measuring approximately 4.5 meters. On the ground floor, there are dressing rooms and a bathroom.

The second room is located on the ground floor of the house and overlooks the park. It also features a lovely library, creating an intimate atmosphere that inspires wanderlust.

Additionally, there is a self-contained apartment on the courtyard with its own entrance and a spacious front porch. This apartment includes a room on the attic floor, making it suitable for families. On the ground floor, there is a single bed measuring 90cm, a small kitchenette, and a bathroom with a walk-in shower.

In terms of breakfast, we offer happy and generous options that can be served or made available according to your preference. Please note that Wi-Fi is only available within the house.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 80 80 450 500
Apartment 1 80 100 450 500 20


Disabled Access


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