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Olivier Rosemain
Lieu-dit Sames, 40 Route De Pompertuzat


1 reviews

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price from €450



06 79 78 17 63

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Appréciations pour Hauts de Sames, Deyme:

Agréablement surpris
Review by: Gladys V., Aou 3 2021 1:15PM
J'ai apprécié mon petit séjour sur place. C'était un dépaysement total dans un cadre idyllique. La vue y est magnifique et le lieu est idéalement calme. Des hôtes vraiment agréable et un studio propre et convenablement équipé. J'y retournerai avec plaisir.

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Holiday Home 1 90 120 450 550




  • Cité de l'Espace: Located in Toulouse, approximately 20 kilometers from Deyme, Cité de l'Espace is a space-themed amusement park and museum. Visitors can explore various exhibits, interactive displays, and even experience a simulated space mission.
  • Basilique Saint-Sernin: Situated in Toulouse, Basilique Saint-Sernin is a remarkable Romanesque church and a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is known for its stunning architecture, beautiful sculptures, and vibrant religious history.
  • Canal du Midi: Stretching across the region, Canal du Midi is a UNESCO World Heritage site and a popular destination for boat trips and leisurely walks. Visitors can enjoy the scenic surroundings, charming villages, and historical locks along the canal.
  • Musée des Augustins: Located in Toulouse, Musée des Augustins is a fine arts museum housed in a former Augustinian convent. It showcases an extensive collection of sculptures and paintings from the Middle Ages to the early 20th century.
  • Château de Montgey: Situated in Montgey, approximately 60 kilometers from Deyme, Château de Montgey is a picturesque castle surrounded by beautiful gardens. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, learn about its history, and enjoy the tranquil atmosphere.
  • Musée d'Histoire Naturelle: In Toulouse, Musée d'Histoire Naturelle offers a fascinating journey through natural history. The museum displays a wide range of exhibits, including fossils, minerals, and various animal species.
  • Pont Neuf: Located in the heart of Toulouse, Pont Neuf is the oldest bridge that spans the Garonne River. Visitors can stroll across the bridge, take in the panoramic views, and admire the impressive architecture.
  • Airbus Factory Tour: In Blagnac, just outside Toulouse, visitors can book a tour of the Airbus factory. This unique experience provides insight into the manufacturing process of aircraft and offers a glimpse into the world's leading aerospace company.
  • Musée Paul Dupuy: Situated in Toulouse, Musée Paul Dupuy is a museum dedicated to decorative arts and regional history. It showcases a diverse collection of furniture, ceramics, paintings, and artifacts from the past. 10. Place du Capitole: Located in Toulouse's city center, Place du Capitole is a vibrant square surrounded by impressive buildings. It is home to the Capitole de Toulouse, the city hall, and hosts various events, markets, and performances throughout the year.

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