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Lise Blum
230 Chemin Du Bois


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Price per week:

price from €650






Description for B&B:

Located in Provence, Le Mas des Oliviers is a farmhouse that offers two 3-star cottages with a swimming pool and a 6-seater jacuzzi. These cottages are fully air-conditioned and equipped with WIFI. The pool area is securely fenced and the property boasts a spacious garden spanning 2500 m2.
One of the cottages, named Lavenders, can accommodate up to 7 guests. It features a cozy living room with a TV and DVD player, as well as a fully-equipped kitchen. The cottage has a large bedroom with a shower, washbasin, and a double bed, along with a single bed on the mezzanine level. A second bedroom with a double bed is also available. Additionally, there is another double bed on the mezzanine above the living room. Lavenders also offers a bathroom with toilet and a separate toilet. The cottage has its own terrace on the ground floor and a barbecue for outdoor dining. Bed linen and towels are provided for guests' convenience.
The garden of the property is well-equipped with children's games, a ball court, and a ping pong table. Guests can also enjoy parking within the premises.
The cottages are conveniently located just 600 m from the village of Richerenches, renowned for its truffle market (November-March), flower fair (May), and Côtes du Rhône wines. Additionally, the property is situated 6 km from Grignan, 35 km from Vaison la Romaine, 30 km from Orange, and 40 km from Mont Ventoux. This ideal location allows guests to explore the breathtaking landscapes of Provence and its charming villages.


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To access the location from the north, follow these directions:
- Take the A7 exit at Montelimar South.
- From there, head in the direction of Avignon Nîmes on N7 for approximately 2/3 km.
- Then, make a left turn towards Grignan (for Valaurie).
- Continue following the signs for Grignan and Valréas for about 5 km until you reach Grillon.
- At the non-priority roundabout at the entry of Grillon, turn right onto D20 road for 4 km towards Richerenches.
- Pass through Richerenches and at the next non-priority roundabout, take the direction of Baume de Transit.
- After about 20-30 m, you'll see a path called "Chemin du Bois" on the left. Take this path for 100m.
- Look for the second brown metal gate on the right, which will be your destination.

For the southern access, follow these directions:
- Use Google Maps to navigate from Orange.
- Take the Orange center exit and follow the signs for Valreas.
- Pass through Sérignan, Ste Cecile les Vignes, and Tulette Visan.
- Once you reach Richerenches, at the roundabout, take the exit for Baume de Transit.
- Drive for about 50 m and then immediately turn left onto chemin du Bois, which runs along the stage.
- Look for the second brown metal gate on the right, which will be your destination.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 7 650 1200


Swimming Pool


  • Truffle Market of Richerenches: Known as the "Black Diamond" market, it is the largest truffle market in France and attracts truffle enthusiasts from all over the world. Visitors can witness truffle auctions and indulge in tasting sessions.
  • Château de Grignan: Located in the nearby village of Grignan, this magnificent Renaissance castle offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside. It is famous for its association with Madame de Sévigné, a renowned French writer.
  • Caves la Comtadine: Situated in Saint-Restitut, these ancient caves feature impressive stalactite and stalagmite formations. Visitors can explore the underground chambers and learn about the geological history of the region.
  • Vaison-la-Romaine: A historic town known for its Roman ruins, Vaison-la-Romaine offers a fascinating glimpse into ancient civilization. Explore the well-preserved Roman theater, archaeological sites, and enjoy the charming medieval old town.
  • Mont Ventoux: A popular destination for outdoor enthusiasts, Mont Ventoux is a renowned mountain in the Provence region. It offers various hiking and cycling trails, as well as breathtaking panoramic views from its summit.
  • Palace of the Popes (Palais des Papes): Located in Avignon, this UNESCO World Heritage Site was the residence of the Popes during the 14th century. It is one of the largest Gothic palaces in the world and houses impressive artworks and historical artifacts.
  • Pont du Gard: A remarkable Roman aqueduct bridge located near Remoulins, the Pont du Gard is a testament to ancient engineering. Visitors can admire its impressive architecture, walk across the bridge, and enjoy the surrounding natural beauty.
  • Lavender Fields of Provence: During the summer months, the Provence region is adorned with vibrant lavender fields. Take a scenic drive through the countryside and immerse yourself in the captivating fragrance and stunning purple landscapes.
  • Orange Roman Theatre (Théâtre Antique d'Orange): Situated in the town of Orange, this well-preserved Roman theater is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It hosts various cultural events and festivals, and visitors can explore its grand architecture and impressive stage. 10. Gorges de l'Ardèche: Located north of Richerenches, the Gorges de l'Ardèche offers breathtaking natural beauty. Take a canoe or kayak trip along the river, marvel at the stunning cliffs, and visit the famous Pont d'Arc, a natural stone arch spanning the river. These attractions offer a diverse range of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty and heritage of the region.

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