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Contact Details:


John Goddard
15 Route De La Vierge


3 reviews

Price per night:

price from €60






Description for B&B:

We have the following room options available for your stay:

- One double room featuring a spacious bed.
- One room with a large bed and two smaller beds, perfect for families or groups of four adults.
- One room with a large bed and one smaller bed, suitable for a couple and one child or adult.

All of our rooms are equipped with private showers and toilets.


Appréciations pour Villa Chanteraine, Fleury:

Une jolie parenthèse
Review by: PAPRZYCKI, Jan 10 2020 10:09AM
Mille mercis à Chantal et John pour leur accueil. la chambre est très confortable ; il manque rien ; On a l'impression d'être chez des amis ; Chantal et John ont bien compris l'esprit de la chambre d'hôte ; la maison est magnifique ; je recommande vivement cette adresse
Une jolie parenthèse
Review by: PAPRZYCKI, Jan 10 2020 10:09AM
Mille mercis à Chantal et John pour leur accueil. la chambre est très confortable ; il manque rien ; On a l'impression d'être chez des amis ; Chantal et John ont bien compris l'esprit de la chambre d'hôte ; la maison est magnifique ; je recommande vivement cette adresse
séjour avril 2017
Review by: CAPILLIEZ Joel , Avr 23 2017 12:32PM
merci à John et Chantal pour leur accueil chaleureux , nous avons passé un très bon séjour dans leur magnifique maison, idéalement située pour découvrir le littoral du Cotentin et la campagne verdoyante.

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To reach our house from Caen, take EXIT 37 on the A84 motorway heading towards Rennes. It is approximately 80 kilometers from Caen. After exiting, make a left turn and continue until you reach the fifth roundabout. At this roundabout, take the left turn towards Villedieu - Gavray Coutances. However, do not proceed towards Villedieu; instead, take a left turn before reaching it. As you continue on this route, you will pass over a bridge that goes over the A84. After crossing the bridge, our house will be located approximately 200 meters ahead on the left side of the road D9, which leads towards Gavray Coutances.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: breakfast and taxes included
Notes: breakfast and taxes included


Animals Allowed


  • Mont Saint-Michel Abbey: Located about 40 kilometers away, Mont Saint-Michel Abbey is an iconic medieval abbey situated on a rocky island in Normandy. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and attracts millions of visitors each year.
  • Saint-Malo: Approximately 60 kilometers from Fleury, Saint-Malo is a historic walled city known for its beautiful beaches, ancient walls, and stunning architecture. Explore the cobbled streets, visit the imposing Saint-Malo Cathedral, or take a boat trip to the nearby Channel Islands.
  • Bayeux Tapestry: About 90 kilometers away, the Bayeux Tapestry is an impressive embroidered cloth that depicts the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England. It is housed in the Bayeux Museum and offers a unique glimpse into medieval history.
  • D-Day Landing Beaches: Situated around 70 kilometers from Fleury, the D-Day Landing Beaches are a series of historic sites where the Allied forces landed during World War II. Omaha Beach, Utah Beach, and Sword Beach are among the most famous and offer museums, memorials, and scenic views.
  • Granville: Located approximately 25 kilometers away, Granville is a charming seaside town known for its picturesque harbor, old town, and stunning views over the English Channel. Visit the Christian Dior Museum, stroll along the ramparts, or relax on the sandy beaches.
  • Coutances Cathedral: About 30 kilometers from Fleury, Coutances Cathedral is a magnificent Gothic cathedral that dates back to the 13th century. Its impressive architecture, beautiful stained glass windows, and peaceful atmosphere make it a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts.
  • Villedieu-les-Poêles: Situated around 25 kilometers away, Villedieu-les-Poêles is a quaint town known for its copper industry. Explore the traditional workshops, visit the Bell Foundry Museum, and enjoy the charming atmosphere of this historic place.
  • Cité de la Mer: Located around 90 kilometers from Fleury in Cherbourg, Cité de la Mer is a fascinating maritime museum and aquarium. Discover the history of deep-sea exploration, explore the decommissioned nuclear submarine, and marvel at the diverse marine life.
  • Giverny: Situated approximately 180 kilometers away, Giverny is renowned for being the home of impressionist painter Claude Monet. Visit Monet's House and Gardens to see the iconic water lilies and beautiful landscapes that inspired his artwork. 10. Caen Memorial Museum: About 90 kilometers from Fleury, the Caen Memorial Museum is dedicated to the history of World War II and the Battle of Normandy. It offers comprehensive exhibitions, multimedia displays, and a peaceful memorial garden. These attractions offer a variety of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, allowing visitors to explore the rich heritage and beauty of the Normandy region in France.

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