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3196 Route De Draguignan
Le Tignet


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Price per week:

price from €700






Description for Gite

This delightful accommodation features a charming terrace, a convenient kitchenette, a modern bathroom, and a comfortable room equipped with air conditioning.


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Take exit 39 on the A8 motorway.



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extra bed
Notes: week rental from saturday


Swimming Pool


  • Grasse: Known as the perfume capital of the world, Grasse is a charming town located just a short distance from Le Tignet. Visitors can explore the historic streets lined with perfumeries, visit the International Perfume Museum, and enjoy stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Gorges du Verdon: Often referred to as the "Grand Canyon of Europe," the Gorges du Verdon is a breathtaking natural attraction located within driving distance from Le Tignet. Visitors can hike along the rim of the canyon, go kayaking or canoeing in the turquoise waters of the Verdon River, and admire the stunning cliffs and rock formations.
  • Cannes: Famous for its annual film festival, Cannes is a glamorous coastal city situated just a short drive from Le Tignet. Visitors can stroll along the iconic Promenade de la Croisette, relax on the sandy beaches, explore the luxurious shops and boutiques, and visit the historic Le Suquet district.
  • Antibes: Located along the French Riviera, Antibes is a picturesque town that offers a mix of history, culture, and scenic beauty. Visitors can explore the charming old town, visit the Picasso Museum housed in the Château Grimaldi, relax on the beautiful sandy beaches, and wander around the vibrant Marché Provençal.
  • Saint-Paul-de-Vence: This medieval hilltop village is renowned for its art galleries, narrow cobblestone streets, and stunning panoramic views. Visitors can wander through the quaint streets, visit the Fondation Maeght art museum, and enjoy the unique atmosphere of this artistic enclave.
  • Nice: As the capital of the French Riviera, Nice offers a blend of culture, history, and vibrant city life. Visitors can stroll along the famous Promenade des Anglais, explore the charming Old Town (Vieille Ville), visit the impressive Musée Matisse, and relax on the beautiful pebble beaches.
  • Eze: Situated on a hilltop overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, Eze is a medieval village that offers stunning views and a charming atmosphere. Visitors can wander through the narrow cobblestone streets, visit the exotic Jardin Exotique, and explore the ruins of the ancient Château de Eze.
  • Monaco: Known for its luxurious lifestyle and famous casinos, Monaco is a tiny principality located on the French Riviera. Visitors can explore the opulent Palais du Prince, visit the iconic Monte Carlo Casino, stroll through the beautiful Japanese Gardens, and experience the glitz and glamour of this exclusive destination.

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