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Mylène De Creny
Quartier des Plaisirs
Saint Joseph


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Price per night:

price from €52






Description for B&B:

The residence provides visitors with a shared living area and a charming veranda where breakfast is served. Additionally, there is a secure swimming pool available for the enjoyment of those who appreciate the beauty of nature.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 52 52


Swimming Pool


  • Saint-Joseph Church: Located in Quartier des Plaisirs, the Saint-Joseph Church is a beautiful place of worship with stunning architecture. It is a popular tourist attraction for its peaceful ambiance and religious significance.
  • La Savane des Esclaves: This open-air museum is dedicated to preserving the cultural heritage of Martinique. Visitors can explore the recreated slave village and learn about the history and traditions of the island's enslaved population.
  • Habitation Clément: A historical plantation turned museum, Habitation Clément offers insight into the history of rum production in Martinique. Visitors can take a guided tour of the distillery, explore art exhibitions, and enjoy the lush gardens surrounding the estate.
  • La Mauny Distillery: Another must-visit for rum enthusiasts, La Mauny Distillery offers guided tours that showcase the rum-making process. Visitors can learn about the history of the distillery and sample a variety of rum flavors.
  • Le Diamant Beach: Located near Quartier des Plaisirs, Le Diamant Beach is a picturesque sandy beach with crystal-clear waters. It is a great spot for sunbathing, swimming, and enjoying water sports, with the iconic Rocher du Diamant rock formation adding to its beauty.
  • La Pagerie Museum: Situated in nearby Les Trois-Îlets, La Pagerie Museum is dedicated to the life and legacy of Empress Josephine, wife of Napoleon Bonaparte. The museum showcases personal belongings, historical artifacts, and provides insight into her influential role in French history.
  • Jardin de Balata: A botanical garden located in Fort-de-France, Jardin de Balata features a stunning collection of tropical plants and flowers. Visitors can stroll along the elevated walkways, admire the vibrant colors, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Mount Pelée: For adventure seekers, a visit to Mount Pelée is a must. This active volcano offers incredible hiking opportunities with panoramic views of the island from the summit. However, it is important to check for safety conditions before planning a visit.
  • Anse Mitan: Situated in Les Trois-Îlets, Anse Mitan is a popular beach known for its calm waters and vibrant atmosphere. Visitors can relax on the sandy shores, indulge in water sports, or explore the nearby shops, restaurants, and vibrant nightlife. 10. Les Salines Beach: Located in Sainte-Anne, Les Salines Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in Martinique. With its white sand, clear turquoise waters, and palm trees lining the coast, it provides a perfect tropical setting for relaxation and sunbathing.