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Mylène De Creny
Route De L'union
Fort de France


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Price per night:

price from €140






Description for B&B:

The guest room No. 5 is situated in the Annex of the guest house. This room features a spacious bedroom suite equipped with air conditioning, a generously-sized bathroom, and a meticulously furnished private terrace.


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(2 pers.)
5 140 167 oui


Swimming Pool
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  • Schoelcher Library: Located in Fort de France, the Schoelcher Library is a historic landmark and a must-visit for book lovers. The library features an impressive collection of books, manuscripts, and artifacts related to Martinique's history.
  • La Savane Park: Situated in the heart of Fort de France, La Savane Park is a beautiful green space perfect for relaxation and leisurely walks. The park offers picturesque views of the Caribbean Sea and is home to a statue of Empress Josephine, a prominent historical figure in Martinique.
  • Balata Botanical Garden: Just a short drive from Fort de France, Balata Botanical Garden is a paradise for nature enthusiasts. The garden boasts a vast array of exotic flora, including over 3,000 species of plants and flowers. Visitors can explore the garden's winding paths and enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding rainforest.
  • Mount Pelée: Located on the northern part of Martinique, Mount Pelée is an active volcano and a popular destination for hiking enthusiasts. The volcano offers challenging trails, stunning panoramic views, and the opportunity to witness the raw power of nature.
  • Les Salines Beach: Situated on the southern coast of Martinique, Les Salines Beach is known for its pristine white sand and crystal-clear turquoise waters. It is a picture-perfect tropical beach offering various water activities such as swimming, snorkeling, and sunbathing.
  • Saint-Pierre: Once the capital of Martinique, Saint-Pierre is a historic town with a tragic past. In 1902, it was completely destroyed by a volcanic eruption from Mount Pelée. Today, visitors can explore the ruins, visit the Volcanological Museum, and learn about the catastrophic event that changed the town's history.
  • Jardin de Balata: A beautifully landscaped garden located near Fort de France, Jardin de Balata is a haven for plant lovers. It features a vast collection of tropical plants, including vibrant flowers, towering palm trees, and hanging vines. Visitors can stroll through the garden's pathways and admire the stunning flora.
  • Diamond Rock: Situated off the coast of Martinique, Diamond Rock is a unique landmark known for its distinctive shape. This rock formation is a popular spot for diving and snorkeling, as it is surrounded by vibrant coral reefs and a rich marine life.
  • Les Trois-Îlets: A charming village located south of Fort de France, Les Trois-Îlets offers a glimpse into Martinique's cultural heritage. The village is home to historical sites, such as the Pagerie Museum, which was once the birthplace of Empress Josephine. Visitors can also enjoy beautiful beaches, upscale resorts, and delicious Creole cuisine. 10. Habitation Clément: Located in Le François, Habitation Clément is a historic rum distillery and museum. Visitors can learn about the rum-making process, explore the distillery's facilities, and sample a variety of aged rums. The estate also features beautiful gardens and art exhibitions, making it a delightful cultural experience.