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Francoise Roux
185 Rue Jean Monnet


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Price per week:

price from €650





Description for B&B:

The property offers a variety of fully-equipped studios, each boasting a unique style and featuring a balcony. These studios are equipped with a flat-screen TV and an en suite bathroom, complete with complimentary toiletries and a bathtub.

This place serves as an excellent starting point for exploring the beautiful regions of Provence and Lubéron.

Description for Gite

This studio offers a delightful terrace and picturesque garden views. It boasts a modern flat-screen TV and a private bathroom with a bathtub and complimentary toiletries. The price of your stay includes the convenience of end-of-stay cleaning, as well as bed linen and towels.

The room is equipped with a range of amenities, such as garden views, a charming terrace, a flat-screen TV, air conditioning, heating, a wardrobe/closet, a bath, free toiletries, a toilet, a bathroom, a kitchenette, a refrigerator, a microwave, an electric kettle, and a coffee machine. Additionally, free WiFi is available in all rooms for your convenience.


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Conveniently situated at the city entrance of Carpentras, just after the dual carriageway ends.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Apartment 1 115 120 650 680 15


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted


  • Cathédrale Saint-Siffrein: Located in the heart of Carpentras, the Cathédrale Saint-Siffrein is a beautiful Romanesque-Gothic cathedral dating back to the 14th century. Visitors can admire its impressive architecture, intricate stained glass windows, and rich history.
  • Musée Comtadin-Duplessis: Situated within a 17th-century mansion, the Musée Comtadin-Duplessis offers an engaging journey through the history and culture of the Comtat Venaissin region. The museum exhibits a diverse collection of art, artifacts, and historical objects.
  • Dentelles de Montmirail: Just a short drive from Carpentras, the Dentelles de Montmirail is a stunning mountain range renowned for its unique jagged peaks and picturesque hiking trails. Outdoor enthusiasts can explore the area's natural beauty, go rock climbing, or enjoy scenic drives.
  • Château de Barroux: Located in the charming village of Le Barroux, the Château de Barroux is a fortified castle perched atop a hill, offering panoramic views of the surrounding vineyards and countryside. Visitors can tour the castle's interior and learn about its medieval history.
  • Marché de Carpentras: If you're interested in experiencing the vibrant local culture, the Marché de Carpentras is a must-visit. This bustling market takes place every Friday and showcases a wide variety of regional produce, crafts, and traditional products.
  • Palais de Justice: The Palais de Justice in Carpentras is an architectural gem and a symbol of the city's legal history. Built in the 18th century, this grand courthouse boasts an impressive facade adorned with sculptures and offers a glimpse into the local judicial system.
  • Abbaye de Sénanque: Located a short distance from Carpentras, the Abbaye de Sénanque is a serene Cistercian monastery nestled amidst lavender fields. Visitors can explore the abbey's stunning architecture, attend Gregorian chants, and immerse themselves in a tranquil atmosphere.
  • Musée Juif Comtadin: Situated in Carpentras, the Musée Juif Comtadin is a museum dedicated to the rich Jewish heritage of the Comtat Venaissin region. It houses an extensive collection of artifacts, documents, and photographs, providing insight into the local Jewish community's history.
  • Pernes-les-Fontaines: This picturesque Provençal town is located near Carpentras and is known for its numerous historic fountains. Visitors can stroll through the charming streets, explore the well-preserved medieval ramparts, and admire the town's unique architectural heritage. 10. Fontaine-de-Vaucluse: A short drive from Carpentras, Fontaine-de-Vaucluse is a scenic village famous for its stunning natural spring. The village offers beautiful walking trails, charming cafes, and the opportunity to visit the source of the Sorgue River, which emerges from a cave. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from cultural and historical exploration to outdoor adventures, all within proximity to Carpentras.

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