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Rolande Duchemin
3 Route de Port en Bessin



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Price per night:

price from €39




Description for B&B:

There is a 40m² house with 3 bedrooms for rent. The house is spread across two floors and features a bathroom. Additionally, there are three more rooms available, two of which have bathrooms, and one that has a shower and a sink.


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To reach the destination, take the National 13 road towards Bayeux. The site is located at 3 Route de Port en Bessin in Bayeux.



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Prices in €
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extra bed
Notes: Breakfast = 5€/person
Notes: Breakfast = 5€/person


Credit cards accepted
Animals Allowed


  • Bayeux Tapestry Museum: Located in the town of Bayeux, this museum houses the famous Bayeux Tapestry, which is a remarkable piece of embroidery depicting the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England in 1066.
  • Bayeux Cathedral: Also known as Cathedral of Our Lady of Bayeux, this stunning Romanesque-Gothic cathedral dates back to the 11th century. It is renowned for its impressive architecture, intricate stained glass windows, and the crypt housing the remains of Bishop Odo.
  • Omaha Beach: Situated on the Normandy coast, Omaha Beach is one of the historic D-Day landing sites from World War II. It offers a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by Allied forces during the invasion, and there are various memorials and museums in the area.
  • Arromanches-les-Bains: A charming seaside town located just a short drive from Bayeux. It was a vital location during the D-Day landings, and today visitors can explore the remnants of the Mulberry Harbor, visit the D-Day Museum, and enjoy the scenic beach and promenade.
  • Mont Saint-Michel: Although a little further away, Mont Saint-Michel is an iconic tourist attraction that should not be missed. This medieval abbey sits on a rocky island and is only accessible during low tide. Its stunning architecture, narrow streets, and panoramic views make it a UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Juno Beach Centre: Another D-Day landing site, Juno Beach was the location where Canadian forces landed during the Normandy invasion. The Juno Beach Centre offers a comprehensive and immersive experience, telling the story of Canada's involvement in the war.
  • Château de Balleroy: Situated in the nearby village of Balleroy, this beautiful 17th-century castle is a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts. The castle is known for its unique round shape and stunning gardens designed by André Le Nôtre, the renowned landscape architect of Versailles.
  • Utah Beach: Located further to the west, Utah Beach was one of the landing zones during the D-Day invasion. Today, visitors can explore the Utah Beach Museum, which provides an in-depth understanding of the events that took place on this historic beach.
  • American Cemetery and Memorial: Situated in Colleville-sur-Mer, the American Cemetery and Memorial is a place of remembrance and honor for the American soldiers who lost their lives during the Normandy campaign. The beautifully maintained cemetery offers a serene and moving experience. 10. Bayeux War Cemetery: This Commonwealth cemetery is a final resting place for more than 4,000 soldiers, predominantly from the United Kingdom, who died during the Battle of Normandy. It serves as a peaceful memorial to those who made the ultimate sacrifice. Please note that the distance and accessibility of these attractions may vary, and it is advisable to check opening hours and any travel restrictions before planning a visit.

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