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Chantal Meuret
2 Rue Du Four


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Price per night:

price from €230






Description for B&B:

Welcome to our charming bed and breakfast located in a picturesque Catalan village. Chantal and Denis are delighted to welcome guests all year round. Our convenient location allows easy access to various attractions: just 15 minutes from Perpignan, 20 minutes from Port-Barcarès and Leucate, 10 minutes from Rivesaltes, and 35 minutes from the Spanish border in La Jonquera.

Our comfortable rooms feature amenities such as a TV, WiFi, private bathroom, and toilet. Enjoy a pleasant stay in our small, flower-filled courtyard. We offer delicious breakfasts and also provide the option of fast food for dinner. The price for a room, including two hearty breakfasts, is 55 euros. Additionally, we offer an extra bed for children up to 15 years old at no extra charge.

Parking is easy and secure, and we also have facilities for bicycle parking. Our bed and breakfast is easily accessible for disabled guests. There are plenty of opportunities for walks and hikes in the surrounding area, including the Catalan country, the Corbières, and the coastal towns of Port-Barcarès, Canet, Leucate, as well as the historical sites of Perpignan and the Rivesaltes camp memorial.

Experience the tranquility of our village while being in close proximity to various points of interest. If you wish to contact us via email, please provide your telephone number.

Description for Gite


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 230 230


Disabled Access
Animals Allowed


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  • Perpignan: Situated about 17 kilometers from Opoul.perillos, Perpignan is a vibrant city known for its rich Catalan culture. Explore the historic old town with its narrow streets, visit iconic landmarks like the Palace of the Kings of Majorca, and indulge in delicious local cuisine.
  • Leucate Plage: A popular coastal resort located approximately 45 kilometers from Opoul.perillos, Leucate Plage boasts beautiful sandy beaches and crystal-clear waters. Enjoy sunbathing, swimming, water sports, and beachside dining while taking in stunning Mediterranean views.
  • Abbey of Saint Michel de Cuxa: Situated around 80 kilometers from Opoul.perillos, the Abbey of Saint Michel de Cuxa is an ancient Benedictine monastery founded in the 9th century. Marvel at its Romanesque architecture, stroll through the serene gardens, and attend a classical music concert during the annual Pablo Casals Festival.
  • Gorges de Galamus: Located about 50 kilometers from Opoul.perillos, the Gorges de Galamus is a scenic natural wonder. Admire the dramatic rock formations and enjoy the picturesque drive through the narrow gorge. Don't miss the Hermitage Chapel, nestled into the cliffside, offering breathtaking views.
  • Collioure: Situated approximately 38 kilometers from Opoul.perillos, Collioure is a charming coastal town renowned for its colorful buildings and picturesque harbor. Explore the quaint streets, visit the Royal Castle, and enjoy the local art scene that once inspired famous artists like Matisse and Derain.
  • Forteresse de Salses-le-Château: Located around 8 kilometers from Opoul.perillos, Forteresse de Salses-le-Château is a remarkable military fortress built in the 16th century. Discover its impressive architecture, fortified walls, and learn about its strategic role in defending the region.
  • Cathar Castles: Within driving distance from Opoul.perillos, you can explore various Cathar castles, such as Quéribus and Peyrepertuse. These medieval fortresses offer panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and provide insight into the turbulent history of the Cathars.
  • Narbonne: Situated approximately 75 kilometers from Opoul.perillos, Narbonne is a historic city with Roman origins. Visit the magnificent Narbonne Cathedral, stroll along the Canal de la Robine, and explore the local market for a taste of regional delicacies. 10. Sigean African Reserve: Located about 50 kilometers from Opoul.perillos, the Sigean African Reserve is a must-visit for wildlife enthusiasts. Take a drive-through safari to observe animals like lions, elephants, giraffes, and rhinos in a natural habitat setting. Please note that distances provided are approximate and may vary depending on the route taken.

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