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Bertrand Peltrault
6, rue François Mitterrand
Conches En Ouche


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Price per night:

price from €140






Description for Gite

Experience tranquility in the picturesque village of Normand, just a stone's throw away from Paris. This fully renovated house beautifully combines authentic materials with contemporary decor. The old-world charm is complemented by modern amenities such as a flat-screen TV and state-of-the-art household appliances. Indulge in the utmost comfort with our luxurious 4-star hotel bedding, featuring satin band comforters. The house boasts a spacious lounge, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, two separate toilets, and an ultra-equipped kitchen. Conveniently located in the heart of the village, you can easily access the numerous high-quality shops. Step outside to discover a stunning garden designed by a professional, complete with a charming garden and a small barn. Embrace the serenity as you listen to the soothing melodies of birdsong, providing a haven from the hectic pace of city life.


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You can easily reach the house by train from Gare St. Lazare, with a journey time of 1 hour and 20 minutes. The train station is conveniently situated just a 5-minute walk from the house. Alternatively, if you prefer to drive, it takes approximately 1 hour and 20 minutes to reach the house from Paris, and there is straightforward access by car.



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Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 140 12


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Animals Allowed


  • Château de Beaumesnil: Located approximately 8 km away from Conches En Ouche, Château de Beaumesnil is a stunning 17th-century castle surrounded by beautiful gardens. Visitors can explore the interior of the castle, admire the well-preserved architecture, and enjoy the serene atmosphere.
  • Église Sainte-Foy: Situated in the heart of Conches En Ouche, Église Sainte-Foy is a historic church known for its Gothic architecture. The church features intricate stained glass windows, a magnificent organ, and a peaceful ambiance that is perfect for quiet reflection.
  • Musée du Verre: Located in Conches En Ouche, Musée du Verre is a glass museum that showcases a wide range of glass artifacts and exhibits. Visitors can learn about the history of glassmaking, admire unique glass designs, and even witness live glass-blowing demonstrations.
  • Château d'Harcourt: Situated approximately 20 km from Conches En Ouche, Château d'Harcourt is a medieval fortress surrounded by lush gardens and a moat. The castle offers guided tours where visitors can explore the grand halls, learn about its rich history, and enjoy the picturesque surroundings.
  • Jardin Plume: Situated about 9 km away from Conches En Ouche, Jardin Plume is a magnificent garden known for its beautiful landscape design and variety of plant species. Visitors can stroll through the well-manicured gardens, relax in peaceful seating areas, and admire the vibrant colors of the flowers and shrubs.
  • Château du Champ de Bataille: Located approximately 30 km from Conches En Ouche, Château du Champ de Bataille is a grand 17th-century castle renowned for its opulent interiors and extensive gardens. Visitors can take guided tours of the lavish rooms, explore the vast parkland, and even enjoy a meal at the on-site restaurant.
  • Abbaye du Bec-Hellouin: Situated around 45 km away from Conches En Ouche, Abbaye du Bec-Hellouin is a well-preserved Benedictine abbey dating back to the 11th century. Visitors can marvel at the impressive architecture, learn about monastic life, and enjoy the tranquil atmosphere of the abbey and its surroundings.
  • Château de Gaillon: Located approximately 40 km from Conches En Ouche, Château de Gaillon is a Renaissance castle with a rich history. Visitors can explore the castle's majestic rooms, admire the ornate decorations, and enjoy breathtaking views of the Seine River from its terraces. These attractions offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural beauty, providing visitors with a diverse range of experiences near Conches En Ouche, France.

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