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Christine Ponthieux
Manoir de Kerliviry


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Price per night:

price from €600






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To get to Morlaix, follow the signs for St Pol de Léon and Cléder, Plouescat. At the entrance sign, turn left towards the water tower and chapel in the direction of Kerzéan. Then, continue on to Kerliviry.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 600 600 26
(3 pers.)
1 136




  • Plouescat Beach: Located just a short distance from Manoir de Kerliviry, Plouescat Beach is a beautiful sandy beach that stretches for several kilometers. Visitors can enjoy sunbathing, swimming, and various water sports activities in the crystal-clear waters of the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Roscoff: A charming coastal town, Roscoff is known for its picturesque harbor, stunning beaches, and historic architecture. Visitors can explore the medieval streets, visit the Notre-Dame de Croaz Batz Church, or take a boat trip to the nearby Île de Batz.
  • Enclos Paroissial de Plougoulm: This religious site is a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts. The Enclos Paroissial de Plougoulm features an impressive church, a calvary, and a beautiful ossuary. The intricately carved sculptures and stunning stained glass windows are truly captivating.
  • Jardin Exotique de Roscoff: Situated in Roscoff, this exotic garden showcases a wide variety of rare and exotic plants. Visitors can wander through the lush greenery, admire the vibrant colors, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.
  • Château du Taureau: Located on an island in the Bay of Morlaix, Château du Taureau is a historic fortress that dates back to the 16th century. Visitors can take a boat trip to the island and explore the well-preserved castle, which offers panoramic views of the bay.
  • Les Abers: Les Abers refers to the estuaries of the rivers Abers Wrac'h and Abers Benoît. These stunning natural sites offer breathtaking views of cliffs, sandy beaches, and turquoise waters. Visitors can hike along the coastal paths, take a boat tour, or simply relax and enjoy the scenic beauty.
  • Oceanopolis, Brest: Located in Brest, around 40 kilometers from Cléder, Oceanopolis is a renowned aquarium and ocean discovery park. It features various marine ecosystems and species, allowing visitors to learn about the fascinating underwater world.
  • Morlaix: A picturesque town with a rich architectural heritage, Morlaix is known for its half-timbered houses, cobbled streets, and the iconic Viaduct. Visitors can explore the medieval town center, visit the Museum of Fine Arts, or take a boat trip along the river.
  • Saint-Pol-de-Léon Cathedral: Situated in Saint-Pol-de-Léon, this stunning cathedral is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. It boasts intricate stained glass windows, impressive sculptures, and a peaceful atmosphere. 10. Maison des Johnnies et de l'Oignon de Roscoff: This museum in Roscoff tells the story of the "Johnnies" – local farmers who traveled to the UK to sell onions. Visitors can learn about the onion trade, see traditional costumes, and even purchase some famous Roscoff onions. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from natural beauty and historic sites to cultural and educational experiences, ensuring there is something for everyone near Manoir de Kerliviry.

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