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Karine Montel
10 Rue De La Grand Chardon


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  • Château de Chambord: Located approximately 20 kilometers away, Château de Chambord is an iconic Renaissance castle known for its distinctive French architecture. Visitors can explore the grandeur of the castle, discover its history, and enjoy the vast surrounding parkland.
  • ZooParc de Beauval: Situated around 12 kilometers from Seigy, ZooParc de Beauval is one of the most renowned zoos in Europe. It is home to a wide variety of animals, including rare species like giant pandas. The zoo offers a unique opportunity to observe and learn about various animals from around the world.
  • Château de Cheverny: Positioned about 25 kilometers away, Château de Cheverny is an elegant castle that has remained in the same family for more than six centuries. Visitors can explore the opulent rooms, admire the beautiful gardens, and even witness the daily dog feeding spectacle.
  • Château de Valençay: Located approximately 40 kilometers from Seigy, Château de Valençay is a majestic castle known for its blend of Renaissance and Classical architectural styles. The castle boasts stunning interiors, extensive gardens, and a rich history that includes visits from Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • Maison de la Magie Robert-Houdin: Situated around 20 kilometers away in Blois, Maison de la Magie Robert-Houdin is a fascinating museum dedicated to the art of magic and illusion. Visitors can witness intriguing magic shows, explore interactive exhibits, and learn about the life of famous illusionist Robert-Houdin.
  • Château de Chaumont-sur-Loire: Positioned about 30 kilometers from Seigy, Château de Chaumont-sur-Loire is a picturesque castle overlooking the Loire River. The castle hosts an annual International Garden Festival, attracting visitors with its beautifully landscaped gardens and contemporary art installations.
  • Montrichard: Located approximately 15 kilometers away, Montrichard is a charming medieval town situated on the banks of the Cher River. The town features a historic center with narrow streets, a picturesque bridge, and the ruins of a medieval fortress, offering a glimpse into France's rich heritage. These attractions offer a range of experiences, from exploring historic castles to observing wildlife and delving into the world of magic.

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