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Jean-claude Natier
1655 Route D'evreux


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Price per night:

price from €300






Description for B&B:

The garden is a picturesque oasis adorned with flourishing trees, complete with a delightful barbecue area and a petanque pitch. Inside, the cozy sitting room boasts an inviting open fireplace where you will be treated to a lavish breakfast. Additionally, there is a spacious sun lounge that doubles as a versatile painting studio, equipped with a convenient fridge and gas cooker.


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Please refer to the Google map for further directions.



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Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: 56 € for 2 beds (1 night)
Notes: 74 € for 3 beds (1 night)




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  • Évreux Cathedral: Situated in the nearby city of Évreux, Évreux Cathedral is a magnificent Gothic-style cathedral dating back to the 12th century. Its impressive facade, intricate stained glass windows, and stunning interior make it a must-visit attraction for history and architecture enthusiasts.
  • Gisacum Archaeological Site: Gisacum, an ancient Roman city, is located in Le Vieil-Évreux, just a short distance from Acquigny. Visitors can explore the well-preserved ruins of the city, including its theater, thermal baths, and temples, providing a fascinating glimpse into Roman life.
  • Château de Gaillon: A short drive away, Château de Gaillon is a Renaissance castle known for its architectural grandeur and historical significance. Built in the 16th century, the castle offers guided tours where visitors can learn about its rich history and admire the beautiful gardens surrounding it.
  • Les Jardins de Claude Monet: Located in Giverny, approximately 45 minutes from Acquigny, these iconic gardens were once the inspiration for renowned French painter Claude Monet. Visitors can wander through the enchanting landscapes, featuring water lilies, Japanese bridges, and vibrant flower beds, reminiscent of Monet's famous paintings.
  • Château du Champ de Bataille: Situated in Le Neubourg, Château du Champ de Bataille is an opulent 17th-century castle surrounded by impeccably manicured gardens. The castle's interior showcases lavish decor, while the gardens offer peaceful walks, ornamental ponds, and impressive fountains.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts d'Évreux: The Musée des Beaux-Arts in Évreux houses an extensive collection of art spanning from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. Visitors can appreciate paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts, including works by renowned artists such as Monet, Renoir, and Degas.
  • Château de Robert le Diable: Located in Moulineaux, about an hour's drive from Acquigny, Château de Robert le Diable is a medieval castle steeped in legends and history. The castle offers guided tours, allowing visitors to explore its impressive architecture and learn about its intriguing past.
  • Parc Naturel Régional des Boucles de la Seine Normande: This regional nature park encompasses a vast area along the Seine River, renowned for its picturesque landscapes and biodiversity. Visitors can enjoy activities such as hiking, cycling, and boating while immersing themselves in the natural beauty of the region. 10. Abbaye du Bec-Hellouin: Situated in Le Bec-Hellouin, this Benedictine abbey is known for its serene atmosphere and architectural splendor. Visitors can explore the abbey's church, stroll through the peaceful gardens, and learn about the monastic life that has thrived here for centuries.

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