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Philippe Kling
3, Rue Mimaut


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Price per night:

price from €55





Description for B&B:

Both of our bedrooms come with a private bathroom and toilet, as well as amenities like TV and WIFI. Additionally, we offer complimentary towels for your convenience.


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2 55 55 Oui




  • Château de Chantilly: Located in the nearby town of Chantilly, this stunning Renaissance castle is renowned for its art collection and beautiful gardens. Visitors can explore the castle's intricately decorated rooms, admire the masterpieces in the Musée Condé, and take a leisurely stroll through the vast Chantilly Gardens.
  • Parc Astérix: Situated approximately 20 kilometers from Méru, Parc Astérix is a popular theme park based on the beloved French comic series, "Asterix." The park offers a range of thrilling rides, live shows, and attractions, all based on the adventures of the iconic Gaulish warrior. It's a great place to have fun with family and friends.
  • Beauvais Cathedral: Located in the nearby city of Beauvais, this Gothic masterpiece is known for its immense size and intricate architectural details. Although the cathedral remains unfinished, its soaring vaulted ceilings and stunning stained glass windows are truly awe-inspiring. Don't miss the astronomical clock and the beautiful choir stalls inside.
  • Parc Saint-Paul: Situated around 30 kilometers from Méru, Parc Saint-Paul is a family-friendly amusement park offering a variety of rides, shows, and attractions. From roller coasters and water slides to live entertainment and animal exhibits, there's something for everyone to enjoy at this fun-filled park.
  • Domaine de Chantilly: Just a short distance from the Château de Chantilly, the Domaine de Chantilly offers picturesque gardens, a large forest, and the Great Stables. Visitors can explore the English-style gardens, go for a peaceful walk in the forest, or marvel at the impressive equestrian shows and demonstrations at the Great Stables.
  • Musée de la Nacre et de la Tabletterie: Located in Méru itself, this museum showcases the history and craftsmanship of mother-of-pearl and the local tablet-making industry. Visitors can learn about the techniques used to create exquisite objects made from nacre, such as buttons, jewelry, and decorative items.
  • Musée de la Renaissance - Château d'Écouen: Situated in the Château d'Écouen, approximately 25 kilometers from Méru, this museum is dedicated to the Renaissance period and its art. The collection includes paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts from the 16th century, providing a fascinating insight into this cultural and artistic era.
  • Musée de l'Oise: Located in Beauvais, the Musée de l'Oise is the main museum in the region and houses a diverse collection of art and artifacts. From archaeological finds and historical objects to fine art and contemporary exhibitions, this museum offers a comprehensive overview of the history and culture of the Oise department. These attractions offer a range of experiences, from historical and cultural sites to thrilling amusement parks, ensuring that visitors to Méru and its surrounding areas have plenty of options to explore and enjoy.