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Aber Wracht


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price from €320




Description for B&B:

We are pleased to present to you an extraordinary opportunity – the chance to own a fully finished villa at the price of a one-bedroom apartment. This remarkable property boasts a separate toilet, a spacious bedroom, and a well-appointed dishroom. Additionally, it provides convenient access to the GR 34 trail and features a delightful terrace offering breathtaking views of the sea.

Description for Gite

We present to you a recently refurbished cottage, awarded a 3-star rating by Gîtes de France, ideal for 2 to 3 individuals. This charming accommodation features a spacious 20m2 bedroom, a cozy living room that leads out to a sea-facing terrace, a well-equipped kitchenette, as well as a modern shower room and toilet facilities.


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To get to Plouguerneau, head towards the direction of Lannilis. Once your booking is confirmed, we will provide you with detailed directions for the last kilometer along with maps to assist you in reaching your destination.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Apartment 1 55 70 10
Holiday Home 1 320 640


Swimming Pool
Disabled Access


  • Phare de l'Ile Vierge (Lighthouse of Ile Vierge): Located on the Île Vierge island, this is the tallest stone lighthouse in Europe. Visitors can climb to the top for stunning panoramic views of the coast.
  • Les Abers (The Estuaries): The region is known for its picturesque estuaries, including Aber Wrac'h and Aber Benoît. These natural attractions offer beautiful landscapes, walking trails, and opportunities for birdwatching.
  • Plage de Kerurus (Kerurus Beach): This sandy beach is perfect for relaxation and sunbathing. It offers clear waters for swimming and is surrounded by stunning cliffs, making it a great spot for nature lovers.
  • Chapelle Saint-Samson (Saint-Samson Chapel): This historic chapel is located in Plouguerneau. Dating back to the 16th century, it features stunning stained glass windows and a peaceful atmosphere.
  • Maison des Abers (House of Abers): This visitor center provides information about the surrounding natural and cultural heritage of the Abers region. It offers exhibits, workshops, and guided tours to enhance your understanding of the area.
  • Plouguerneau Lighthouse: Situated near the Plouguerneau harbor, this lighthouse provides breathtaking views of the coast. It is a great spot for photography and a peaceful place to enjoy the surrounding scenery.
  • Ménez-Hom: Located a short distance from Aber Wracht, Ménez-Hom is a mountain offering magnificent panoramic views of the region. It is a popular destination for hikers and nature enthusiasts.
  • Musée des Goémoniers (Seaweed Harvesters Museum): This museum in Plouguerneau showcases the history and cultural significance of seaweed harvesting in the region. Visitors can learn about traditional techniques and the role of seaweed in local industries.
  • Phare de l'Île Wrac'h (Lighthouse of Île Wrac'h): Situated on a small island, this lighthouse offers splendid views of the coastline. It is an iconic landmark in the area and a popular spot for photography. 10. Plage de Porsmeur (Porsmeur Beach): Located near Plouguerneau, this sandy beach is perfect for swimming and sunbathing. It also offers opportunities for water sports such as surfing and paddleboarding. These attractions near Aber Wracht and Plouguerneau offer a mix of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and historical landmarks, providing visitors with a diverse range of experiences to enjoy.

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