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Claudine Kaeppelin
Le Relais du Terrail, route de Laragne


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €50





Description for Gite

Our lodge consists of two charming chalets. The first one offers four spacious rooms, each measuring 12 m2. Each room is equipped with a private bathroom that includes a refreshing shower. The second chalet features a cozy and luminous space, perfect for dining and unwinding. Outside, in the tranquil private garden, you will find a delightful barbecue area with a table and chairs, ideal for enjoying the outdoors.


Appréciations pour Le Relais du Terrail, Ventavon:

La maison du bonheur
Review by: Bonnardel Agnes, Mai 30 2019 5:56PM
Un cadre magnifique, un accueil chaleureux et des lasagnes végétariennes à tomber par terre. Que du bonheur

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 50 300
(3 pers.)
Holiday Home 1 800




  • Laragne-Montéglin: Located approximately 10 kilometers from Le Relais du Terrail, Laragne-Montéglin is a charming medieval village known for its historic buildings and narrow streets. Visitors can explore the 12th-century Sainte-Marie church and enjoy panoramic views from the Montéglin Castle ruins.
  • Sisteron Citadel: Situated about 14 kilometers away, Sisteron Citadel is a must-visit attraction. This impressive fortress overlooks the town of Sisteron and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. Inside the citadel, visitors can explore the museum and learn about the region's history.
  • Gorges de la Méouge: A natural wonder located around 15 kilometers from Le Relais du Terrail, the Gorges de la Méouge is a stunning canyon carved by the Méouge River. It is a popular spot for outdoor activities such as swimming, kayaking, hiking, and picnicking amidst the picturesque landscapes.
  • Rosans: Situated approximately 19 kilometers away, Rosans is a picturesque village known for its medieval architecture and charming ambiance. Visitors can wander through the narrow streets, admire the ancient buildings, and visit the 12th-century Saint-André Church.
  • Orpierre: Located about 25 kilometers from Le Relais du Terrail, Orpierre is a renowned destination for rock climbing enthusiasts. The village is nestled beneath towering limestone cliffs, offering a stunning backdrop for outdoor activities. Even if you're not into climbing, the village itself is worth exploring for its medieval architecture and tranquil atmosphere.
  • Serres: Situated approximately 29 kilometers away, Serres is a delightful town known for its historic center and beautiful scenery. Highlights include the 12th-century Notre-Dame-des-Pommiers Church, the charming old town streets, and the nearby Serre-Ponçon Lake, where visitors can enjoy water sports and leisure activities.
  • Gap: Located around 34 kilometers from Le Relais du Terrail, Gap is the capital city of the Hautes-Alpes department. The city offers a mix of historical and modern attractions, including the Notre-Dame-et-Saint-Arnoux Cathedral, the Museum of Gap, and the beautiful Domaine de Charance park, which offers panoramic views over the city. These tourist attractions near Le Relais du Terrail provide a diverse range of experiences, from exploring medieval villages to enjoying outdoor activities in stunning natural landscapes.

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