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Bécret Marie-Claire
La Baine
Saint Martin de Fressengeas


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  • Château de Hautefort: Located in the town of Hautefort, this stunning 17th-century castle is known for its beautiful gardens and impressive architecture. Visitors can explore the grand interior, including the library and the chapel, and take a leisurely stroll in the well-maintained gardens.
  • Grotte de Tourtoirac: Situated in the village of Tourtoirac, this limestone cave system offers a fascinating underground adventure. Visitors can marvel at the stunning stalactite and stalagmite formations as they explore the well-lit pathways. The cave also features an audio guide that provides interesting information about its geological history.
  • Jumilhac Castle: Located in the village of Jumilhac-le-Grand, this medieval castle is a true architectural gem. With its distinctive round towers and Renaissance-style facade, the castle stands majestically overlooking the Isle River. Visitors can take guided tours to discover the castle's rich history and explore its well-preserved interior.
  • Brantôme Abbey: Situated in the town of Brantôme, this Benedictine abbey dates back to the 8th century and is known as the "Venice of the Périgord." Visitors can explore the picturesque abbey, admire the stunning gardens, and take a boat ride along the Dronne River, which surrounds the abbey.
  • Château de Puyguilhem: Located near the village of Villars, this Renaissance castle offers a glimpse into the past with its well-preserved architecture and interior. The château features a remarkable collection of furniture, tapestries, and artwork, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the history and grandeur of the era.
  • Lascaux IV - International Center for Cave Art: Situated in Montignac, this modern museum replicates the original Lascaux caves, which contain prehistoric cave paintings dating back over 17,000 years. Visitors can explore the stunning reproductions, learn about the ancient art, and gain insight into the lives of our distant ancestors.
  • Périgueux Cathedral: Located in the city of Périgueux, this impressive cathedral is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. Dating back to the 12th century, the cathedral features intricate stained glass windows, a magnificent organ, and a stunning bell tower. Visitors can admire the grandeur of the building and explore its rich history.
  • Château de Bourdeilles: Situated in the village of Bourdeilles, this castle is a unique fusion of medieval and Renaissance architecture. It consists of two parts: a medieval fortress and a Renaissance palace. Visitors can explore both sections, including the impressive collection of period furniture and the picturesque gardens.
  • Les Jardins de l'Imaginaire: Located in the town of Terrasson-Lavilledieu, these enchanting gardens offer a sensory experience with beautifully landscaped terraces, water features, and fragrant plants. Visitors can wander through the various themed gardens, enjoying the stunning views of the surrounding countryside. 10. Vézère Valley: Designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site, the Vézère Valley is renowned for its rich archaeological heritage. Visitors can explore numerous prehistoric sites, such as the famous Lascaux caves and the National Prehistoric Museum in Les Eyzies-de-Tayac-Sireuil, providing a unique opportunity to delve into the region's ancient past.

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